Part 12: An excursion gone wrong! Momo runs into the LOV.

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Everyone was beat, but they still had dinner together before Keitsu was set to leave. Miss Joke was the life of the party, if there had been a party...the other teachers looked bored or amused by turns. 

Though Shine hadn't fought Bakugo, she was right that he wasn't going to forget about it, he kept scowling at her whenever they were in close proximity.

Wally still didn't like that, and finally he asked Midoriya what his deal was. Midoriya looked uncomfortable.

"He doesn't like it when people think they can beat him. I guess... I'm still figuring it out myself."

"There's more to it," Wally muttered, but he left it alone.

Shine left early to change and got cornered by Miss Joke on her way.

"You and your man are quite the mystery couple," she said plainly. "Not easy to find out about. But you're not bad in training, despite clearly lacking full mastery of your quirks and fighting style, at least you are... None of it adds up. But I'm guessing you won't explain."

"You're right," Shine said, meeting her eye. "But don't take it personally. It's a complicated situation."

"I'm not taking anything personally," Miss Joke shrugged, then she flicked a card out of her wrist (or so it appeared) and held it out to Shine.

"But if you ever need help, let me know."

Shine took it and looked at her puzzled. "What did we do to merit this? Why would you offer personal help to someone you don't know?"

Miss Joke shrugged and smiled. "I am a pro...but more than that, I think you and your bf are interesting. You get people. Whatever reason you're here, it's gotta be good. I observed you in training, and you seemed considerate, kind and willing to listen to your teammates. It'll be interesting to see what you do in the future."

So to her it was like watching new students. 

Shine was speechless for a minute, but then she said. "That's not very much to go on."

"Pros have to trust our instincts," Miss Joke gestured nonchalantly. "Why should UA get all the mystery?" 

"Should I warn you that being friends with us might mean being enemies with others?" Shine said, quite seriously.

She felt the need to caution Miss Joke especially since she was not part of UA and not stuck with them, so to speak. Miss Joke probably had guessed that though.

"UA's under a lot of pressure. We heroes need to stick together now if we're going to weather this through. Whatever you're planning to do, you'd better realize that." 

"I do," Shine said quietly. "Thank you... the kindness of some here is unprecedented. I find it humbling..."

"Mmm," Miss Joke nodded. "Well, good bye Likstar. Stay in touch."

"I'll do that," Shine agreed. She was surprised to find a friend anywhere, but she felt more optimistic after talking to her.

"She seems cool," Wally said, when they sat in the hallway between dorms later, and she told him what happened.

"I liked her, but I didn't expect her to reach out," Shine said seriously, "it's unusual...I feel like a misfit most places, and people tend to avoid helping me..."

"Me too... I think it comes of being the hero all the time. It's not personal, we just are on top of things-- at least, we need people to think we are." Wally winked.

As cute as his way of super-handling might be, Shine wasn't sure it would work here. "I think she's a good ally to have. At least we aren't sending off a threatening vibe if she trusted her students around us."

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