Part 103: Compress rallies the newbies

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Dabi thought a lot about what had happened and didn't feel any better about it. But what else was he going to do? This wasn't him-- all this going around being helpful stuff.

At what moment had he started to care anyway? He'd been so sure he was as callous as ever.

Someone like Likstar, who didn't care about the differences between people, was going to get under the League's skin if she wasn't gotten rid of. That was why they'd tried to eliminate her, but then he'd messed that up...and he wasn't even sorry. Just sorry he was so pathetic.

If it had been a Pro, he thought he could have done it...but he just couldn't write off killing her... Even West, though he didn't know him well, didn't seem like your cut and dried Pro. Neither of them really deserved to be mixed up in all this.

What a mess.

And the League had their own problems anyway.

To his surprise, Shigaraki came back to the lair with the news of another collusion between them and that crazy Pro Mirko.

Dabi didn't think Mirko was the worst hero out there--that was Endeavor.

But she was no Hawks. She wouldn't be easy to control, as evidenced by the fact that she'd started the whole thing.

He couldn't believe Shigaraki had agreed to it, but after hearing what happened, Compress and Spinner agreed he had no choice.

"If someone that hot headed got too angry, she'd blow our cover for sure," Compress said.

"What a pain," Spinner whined, "But all we have to do is get her a lead, and she'll be off our backs, right?"

"Yes," Shigaraki said, "Now, who can do that?"

"Wait just a d--- second. Am I the only one who has a problem with helping a Pro?" Dabi spoke up, "Isn't that kind of against our whole code?"

"And who started using Hawks as a double agent?" Spinner shot back.

Dabi scowled. "We all agreed on that, and we all knew the metas were using him anyway. We just needed to exploit that."

"And your point is..." Shigaraki was impatient.

"My point is, Bunny Girl's a wild card. She's not controllable. You can't help her-- she'll never let this advantage go." Dabi was sure from what little he'd seen of her on the mission this was true--plus, he still hated her for ruining his chance to kill Endeavor.

"Dabi, may I remind you that Likstar has these Pros all as part of her weird quest to save heroes," Shigaraki said, like Dabi was a moron. It only pissed him off more. "And if we don't cooperate, they could come down on us. We're right on the brink of a turf war with the metas. We can't handle a bunch of Pros also."

"We'll have to wait to kill them till after we crush the metas," Spinner agreed.

Dabi thought this was rather a lofty goal, personally, but didn't say so. "So what? We just let her use us? That's humiliating."

"Oh, don't be so narrow," Shigaraki said, sounding devious, "She can think she's taking advantage of us, but we're really going to use her. She's stupid enough to do all the dangerous parts of this, and we can exploit that. And if she gets caught, it doesn't come back to us. Problem solved. We really can't lose in this."

"Well, in that case, suppose we tipped off the people you want us to look for, and they could just kill her, so that wouldn't be a problem?" Compress said, "Then we'd cover our bases."

Shigaraki hesitated.

Why was he hesitating? Dabi frowned. That was just the kind of plan he'd come up with himself. Compress was right.

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