Part 173: An electrifying conclusion

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The Elders and High Father made a sort of circle around the 5 people.

It was kind of freaky. Like a magic circle.

Shine had her sword out and looked wary.

Mirko and Hawks were on edge.

Wally and Shigaraki both looked unconcerned, but Shigaraki never looked concerned, and this was just Wally's natural pose.

The High Father didn't make any introductions.

"Ah, Tomura Shigaraki," he said intently, "I've heard about you. Finally, we meet in person."

Shigaraki didn't like this familiarity.

"Am I supposed to know who you are?"

Hawks tugged his collar nervously.

"I suppose not.... Well, we don't really do names here," the High Father said, "I am the High Father of our little group of warriors here in this part of Japan. I'm called High Father or Excellency. These are my Elders."

The Elders, four of them to be exact, eyed the five of them unpleasantly.

"And who are your...companions?" the High Father said, "Though I believe I recognize Hawks... Such a shame about him."

He eyed Mirko. "The No. 5 hero is a surprise though. I didn't know you were a sympathizer."

"I'm not," she said warily.

"I wouldn't answer any questions," Shine hissed to her.

"Oh?" High Father said, "Well, ahem." He looked back at Shigaraki. "Interesting little crew you've gathered. I confess, I'm not sure why you're attacking your old allies so brutally. Our forces have been so generous as to ignore you ever since you disappeared...months ago.... Why the sudden hostility?"

"The League doesn't forget," Shigaraki said, "or forgive the atrocities you did to our members."

"You really don't let things go," High Father said, "All we did was necessary for the cause...though if it will help you, ReDestro's chapter has been disbanded from what I've heard. And we've been very cooperative... I don't see why we can't just bury the hatchet. You have no reason to fight us here today... Why are you even here?"


The truth was...Shigaraki didn't really know. Why had the LOV agreed to do this? It did help them in a way, but the Metas hadn't been bothering them for a long time. Was there really a reason to stir them up again?

"And I don't know who you even are," the High Father said to Shine and Wally, "but why do you fight us? Unprovoked? You've destroyed our communications network, invaded our locations...all unprovoked, I repeat. And for what? What do you hope to gain? Is this even your fight? I see who you are... You're not heroes. You're not villains... Who do you work for?"

They were silent.

The High Father's eyes glittered. "Could it're a part of a different group altogether? I sense your aura of power. That can only mean one thing... You have fully realized abilities, don't you? Something that Metas all yearn for, strive for, work for--hone our skills to unlock. It's impressive, at your age, especially," this to Shine, "Your training must have been something...or your Master... Your fights are from above, are they not? Just like ours. Don't try to hide it. It shines out far too brilliantly to be concealed."

Something about how he said that was unnerving, like he was trying to look right through them. 

Sort of how Shine did, but her gaze, while frightening, never made them feel as...violated as the look he was giving them did. 

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