Part 130: End of the Monsters

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[If you play the song I linked, put it like 30 seconds into the video to get the actual words. It has a really slow open. Also, this artist, Carmen, is a forgotten legend!]

Momo and Midnight had managed to lead one of the other 7 nomu there, and now they were at the roof of the building.

Midnight was tired. "You know...if I over do it, my quirk can kind of make me sleepy too..." she said, "I'm not sure I'm good for much more..."

"The nomu are ignoring us," Momo said, "Look, they're all trying to get up the building now... The LOV must really be up there."

"Still don't get that part. I thought the LOV released them," Midnight said.

"No, they didn't," Momo said, "It's a long story...but the point is, they'll bring this whole building down. We have to get clear and be ready." She tugged Midnight away. Nothing tried to stop them.

* * *

Shoto and Dabi had been stuck together, much to their chagrin.

"I really don't like Kurogiri anymore," Dabi said.

"Nomu!" Shoto had seen one of the big ones barreling toward them.

"Why, that b----d! He's trying to get us killed!" Dabi said, as they both started running and shooting fire back at it.

The nomu seemed immune.

"Well, great, that's perfect," Dabi growled, "I just bet this was the new, Endeavor-slaying one."

"There were more!?"

"Oh, cool your jets. How else do you think the LOV would take out the no#1 hero? At least slow him down..." Dabi said snidely.

"I don't care," Shoto said, "Just tell me how to stop it."

"D--- if I know. I don't have the 411 on these things," Dabi said. "That's not my department... I was shocked I was allowed to use the other one. Shigaraki shares his toys surprisingly a lot..."

"That thing is not a toy!" Shoto said, "Nothing?"

"Look, before it had a weakness: it would obey someone," Dabi said, "Now it's just...out of control.2.. Try freezing it, maybe."

Shoto shot ice. The nomu broke through it.

"Didn't really think that would work," Dabi said flatly. Then he tripped and fell over. "Right.... Curse this road!"

It was a mess.

The nomu almost caught him.

Shoto froze it in place.

It began to crack it at once.

"Get up!" Shoto yelled.

"Getting." Dabi was up. He started running...then he started panting... "Oh, no...not now..."

"What?" Shoto said.

"Unlike you, Snowflake...I'm not...cut out for this..." Dabi slowed, wiping his brow. "I don't get it... I was doing okay for a while...a lot longer than I normally would be...but now it's hitting me..."

"What do you mean?" Shoto said. The nomu was catching up again. He froze a thicker wall, trying to buy time. Thicker, thicker.... It was more like a fortress. The cold started to get to him.

Dabi sighed. "That's a better, actually."

He put a hand on the ice.

"What do you mean...? Isn't that painful?" Shoto always felt like he was touching sharp spikes if he used his left side to touch ice too soon after heating it up.

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