Part 53: Bakugo confronts Shine

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A couple days passed of nothing going on because things were so strained. Momo avoided the issue, and Bakugo wanted more time to think about it. Hopefully, this time his decision wouldn't be to fight someone as his method.

Todoroki couldn't understand why both of them were also avoiding him. He was still upset from the incident.

The only notable change outwardly was how Shine chose to handle things with Aizawa. 

She felt a bit bad for snapping at him but regretted not at all sparing the kids a lecture, and she and Wally both went to Nezu and demanded that he let Todoroki and Momo have some time to recover. 

"This happens too often, and I'm starting to think they just shut down afterward," Shine insisted, "They need a break. Most kids would stay home for a week at least if this even happened to someone they knew."

"I don't think that's accurate here, Miss Likstar. I hear American school are a bit more lax and lowgrade than ours." Nezu barely even tried to hide that that was an insult.

Shine raised an eyebrow. "Do you know the suicide rate in this country for students?"


"And the heart failure rate for adults?" Shine added.

"Is that okay for us to say?" Wally said, "I mean... we're not here to judge..."

"It's just a fact," Shine shrugged, "But besides that, even so, it's just kindness to give them a break. We aren't saying to change your whole curriculum. Would it kill them to take a couple days off?"

"Well, Summer is coming," Nezu said. Summer was still months away.

"Oh, sure. Relevant," Shine muttered.

"Nezu, how much will they really miss?" Wally said more congenially, "They always finish their work early anyway. Just give 'em a break. If they have a panic attack in the middle of training, then, you know, it won't look good to their parents."

"The parents don't generally ask about medical records," Nezu said carelessly.

Shine and Wally almost choked.

"I know one who will," Shine said, "FYI, I have Endeavor on speed dial."

Nezu stared at her. "Is that a threat, Miss Likstar?" he said in a warning voice for him.

Wally and Shine exchanged a look, then Shine shrugged and put her hand down on the desk. She towered over Nezu. 

"It's not a threat exactly, but if a parent knowing the truth about what happens to his son at your school is threatening to you, don't we all have a bigger problem at hand?"

It was a brilliant response. Nezu was now backed into a corner.

"I assure you, the health of our students is our top priority," he said smoothly, "and if is customary to allow them a few days to rest... so, I suppose it's all right. You'll make sure they keep up the work?"

"Oh, it'll be our top priority," Wally said with perhaps as much actual sincerity as Nezu probably had underneath his easy going smile.

Hence Momo and Shoto were surprised when it was announced they had the time off... Momo actually wasn't happy to hear it.

"I really don't think it's necessary. I'm fine now, and I'll get behind."

"Momo, you could not study for a month and not get behind anyone, except possibly Bakugo and Todoroki," Shine said, "And you are free to read the workbooks if it worries you, but the in-class training is out."

"But I don't have a problem doing that too, and I might miss something important," Momo argued. She had never argued like this before.

"Momo," Shine said severely, "it is important to respect your well-being enough to take a little time to recover from things like that. The regular training would be fine if so much of it didn't involve simulating dangerous situations, but it does, and if you break down from PTSD in the middle of it, you could get hurt. That's why you need time to let your nerves recover."

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