Part 105: The Todoroki brothers' angst

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"Are we really trusting her?" Dabi said, once Shigaraki reported what he'd learned.

"No, but there's no stopping her," Shigaraki grumbled, "I hate that Pro so much. She cannot get caught soon enough."

"But if she is, we're no closer to Kurogiri either," Compress said, "So it's just not a good deal...and the Originals sound a bit more dangerous than we had anticipated."

"They're like spiders," Silk commented, "They spin a web of all these leads to catch their prey, and then they drain their quirks. That's what it looks like. That Pro is as good as de-powered."

[Funny story, my sister said the same spider thing about them before she even read this chapter. Guess we really think alike.]

"I do wonder why she's risking that," Compress mused, "What does she get out of it?"

"She just likes the buzz," Dabi said, "She's a moron. And since when do we care what Pros' motives are?"

"Well, I merely thought if she turned out to be a real hero after all, Spinner and you might feel a bit bad about it," Compress said snidely. He was still mad from the other day. "After all, Stain would approve."

"Stain would never approve a Pro who takes money for being one, is that popular, and hates relying on others---that's who he'd hate," Spinner said.

"You do take his teaching very literally and to the letter, don't you?" Compress said.

"You don't know what you're talking about!" Spinner said.

"You know," Lethe spoke to Shigaraki aside, "her knowing you came to her house is dangerous. I could pay her a visit, fix it so she doesn't know that anymore."

"What?" Shigaraki was puzzled.

Lethe smiled unnervingly. "I am very persuasive. In fact, I could make sure she remembered the whole thing very differently."

"Threats will not work on that woman," Shigaraki said.

"I didn't mean threats," Lethe said, "She'd never know I was there."

"What is your quirk anyway?" Shigaraki said.

Lethe said, "I'd tell you, but you'd forget about it anyway." He shrugged. "So shall I?"

"No!" Shigaraki was not going to authorize it if he didn't know what it was. The stupid kid could mess everything up. Especially if someone saw him.

"Suit yourself." Lethe walked away.

Shigaraki didn't like not knowing someone's powers...

He pulled Dabi aside.

"I want you to get in touch with Likstar. Don't mention the deal, but we might need help from someone outside the law. Someone who can't be traced."

"If you want her help, go ask her yourself." Dabi was surprisingly resistant. "I'm done with her. I'm sick of them."

Shigaraki did not expect this mutiny. "What? That was an order!"

"And I'm telling you, not happening," Dabi said, "I'm done... Get someone else to do it." He walked away.

What was gong on with him? Shigaraki ought to rend him limb from limb...but he doubted Dabi would give him the chance to do so, so he didn't.

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