Part 15: Getting into it with Aizawa

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The students were distracted from the ongoing mystery of their visitors by the upcoming Work Studies. They were selecting different heroes to work under, and trying to get into the best fighting shape. Todoroki and Bakugo still would not be participating due to being in remedial, though that was ending before too long.

Iida informed the class, when he had a chance to address all of them, that it looked like Miss Likstar and Mr. West were not spies, because of what she said to Todoroki. Todoroki wasn't sure he was supposed to have shared that, but now it was too late to stop Iida from saying it. Bakugo acted like he was bored by the whole thing, but Kirishima noted:

 "Hey man, you've never actually said what you think? You think they're spies?"

"You idiots," Bakugo said scowling darkly. "Those two jackasses can't be spies. Spies would spend less time picking stupid fights with random losers."

"Didn't they pick a fight with you?" Jiro said flatly.

"I  challenged them, dumba--" Bakugo said. Strictly speaking, he only challenged Likstar. West did not interest him (perhaps because he knew he'd never beat his speed, but he would have rather died than admit that to anyone).

"I agree now that I've had time to think it over," Tsuyu spoke up. "It doesn't seem likely spies would draw so much attention to themselves. I think they might actually be vigilantes. Some of what they've said about heroes sounds more like people who work outside the law."

"But that means they're good people, right?" Kaminari said, nervously. "Not villains."

"Some people think vigilantes are basically villains," Sato pointed out. "And, they might not be trying to help heroes, you know. There's other groups besides the LOV who don't like heroes...and they doesn't really seem to like heroes."

"Ah, its so hard to tell," Aoyama said dramatically. "I would prefer to like Miss Likstar, since she speaks French, but their actions? Fighting villains? It's not tres bien."

"Wait, them fighting villains is the problem?" Todoroki spoke up, surprising some of the others.

"Well, yeah, that's not good," Uraraka said. "I mean, I know they helped Yao-Momo, but, they should have just gotten the pros."

"It was reckless to do what they did, what if it backfired?" Iida pointed out.

"Doing it twice makes it seem like they really don't care about the law," Sero said. "I mean, once, maybe they just thought it was self defense, but twice?"

"You think they should have run for help instead?" Todoroki said, oddly.

"With West's speed, he certainly could have gotten a real pro to handle it, not dealt with it himself," Iida said. "As we were told before, unlicensed people have no authority to hurt a villain."

"Wait, they didn't hurt them," Momo spoke up now. She'd been trying to stay out of it, but she felt she had to correct this.

"Wait, how did they get you away from them, then?" Midoriya asked. "I thought they fought."

"No, all that happened was they shoved the Dabi guy back, and hit the Toga woman--maybe just knocked the knife out of her hand, they didn't hurt them."

"Technically, even doing that much with their quirks was illegal," Tsuyu said.

"Hey, let's not be mean here," Mina said. "Maybe they don't know that's the law. It sure seems like Mr. West comes from somewhere in America where quirks aren't regulated as much. Maybe the Midwest, you know, everyone has guns there too."

{This was more of a stereotype than a fact she actually knew, Mina assumed the USA of the movies was basically true to life.} 

[Also, if anyone's wondering, no, I don't have canon proof the USA operates the same way in this world, it's just a guess that works better for this story. Only clarifying because some people don't know when fan fic is branching off from the source material on world building facts, and I do that quite a bit.]

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