Part 109: Dabi angers Medea

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Shine took them this time to a parking lot.

[see part 29 for when the below happened]

"Dabi has been invaluable for showing places no one looks." She said. "But fair warning, I can only do this about 3-5 more times."

"Oh, so you do have a limit," Hawks said. " I thought you were really OP there."

"She is," Mirko stated.

"I need a break, man," Wally rubbed his neck. "I can't keep up with how fast these guys move, which is funny, since, you know, speed is my thing...geez I'm hungry."

"Here," Shine pulled an energy/protein bar out of her bag.

"Oh, thanks," he took it and started wolfing it down.

"You...always carry snacks?' Hawks asked Shine oddly.

"Mmmhmm, just in case," Shine said. "Wally has to eat for his power...and I do for my portals at some point, not as often, but I worry about him passing out...and you know in costume he can't carry food, so I got in the habit."

"Wow, that's really sweet," Hawks approved. "You know, you don't see too many couples put that much thought into things anymore."

"You hang around the wrong couples, then," Shine said wryly.

"I think we could all use a minute to chill," Wally said between bites. "So let's take five. I'm sure an idea will come to one of us if we just let it alone for a second."

"That's a waste of time," Mirko said tersely.

"Well, you do you, Bunny Girl, but I'm going to de-stress," Wally said. Moving away and doing whatever he did to destress. Jog maybe? Watch clouds?

Shine nodded to his suggestion and sat against the wall next to the parking lot, though it wasn't very clean. She started singing to herself, apparently that was how she cleared her head.

[Rest--half alive]

Mirko paced and said nothing to anyone for a while.

Shigaraki did his thing where he leaned on a wall and stared at his hand...though he hadn't brought any extra ones with him. Which he probably regretted now.

Hawks tried to come up with a plan while scouting in a way that frankly, just made all of them more nervous to watch, so they didn't.

Mirko finally stopped pacing in front of Shine.

Shine looked up like she was expecting more accusations.

"About what I said before," Mirko sounded really uncomfortable. "Maybe I took it a little too hard. That's just kind of how I am. I didn't mean it to be an insult."

Shine blinked. ""

"Shut up!" Mirko said.

"I meant, 'wow, I didn't think you didn't mean it that way at all'," Shine said, rather brutally, even if she didn't realize it.

Mirko huffed. "Whatever...I heard what you said. So I thought you were probably pissed about it."

"What I said...I didn't say anything about you, did I?" Shine didn't remember mentioning her by name.

"No, but it was pretty clear that's what you meant...Just tell me to my face next time."

"I did tell you to your face, Rumi, you don't listen," Shine said a bit warmly. "You are the most stubborn person I think I've ever met. Except me, I guess...I know how my parents must have felt now. Karma, right?"

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