Part 19: Getting into it with Aizawa again

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More time passed quietly, but the hero students had a feeling that wasn't going to last. Joint training was coming up again soon, and it was going to be longer this time. The LOV was strangely silent, other than Kurogiri getting captured.

The monotony was broken one day by a breaking news coverage coming on while some of the students were watching TV. Todoroki was among them, and they all started when a Nomu appeared on screen. Then, Endeavor appeared fighting it... and they all looked at Todoroki.

Momo swallowed. He didn't look so good. He was just standing there, staring at the TV.

"Uh... should we do something?" Kaminari hissed. 

"What the frick would we do?" Sero hissed back, "He's probably fine."

Wally came in to get snacks, took one look at Todoroki, and then at the TV. "Is that Endeavor?"

Momo nodded at him. 

"Holy crap..." Wally said, "Hey, uh, kid, are you okay?" 

Todoroki didn't even answer.

"Mr. West," Momo mouthed, "What should we do?" 

Wally held up a finger for her to wait, then he was gone for a second. Then a second later, he was there with Shine, who was holding Eri.

"Huh, why did you bring her?" Sero frowned.

Eri looked at them all strangely. 

"I'm going to take Eri upstairs," Shine said. She hurried off. A minute later she came back. The fight was still going on. Todoroki was still transfixed. 

"What are you going to do?" Kaminari asked, tactlessly, but Todoroki still wasn't listening.

"For now, we wait," Shine said, watching the screen, "If we tried to touch him he'd probably set us on fire."

A few more agonizing minutes dragged by. Wally began pacing, Shine had her hands folded like people do when they pray. The others just sat or stood very quietly.

Finally, Endeavor shot up into the sky with the Nomu, and no one could tell what was happening, but fire and heat flaring were visible. His fire even turned blue.

Watching this, Shine suddenly blinked, then she glanced at Todoroki... and frowned.

A few more minutes afterward, Endeavor had fallen back to Earth...and apparently, he was still alive. He even gestured at the camera. 

Todoroki let out a long sigh and sank to his knees, like all the energy had gone out of him.

The others looked at him with concern. Wally moved over and sat down next to him.

"Buddy, are you okay?"

Todoroki nodded. He didn't look okay.

Shine looked up. "Can one of you make some tea?"

Momo dashed into the kitchen so eagerly it was almost pathetic. "And a blanket...Like, I don't think he'd like me going into this room, but one of you boys," Shine said.

Sero obliged. 

"Here, sit on the couch, kid," Wally got Todoroki off the floor, he didn't fight him.

Shine pulled out something from her pocket: an old fashioned ipod from the looks of it. "Anyone have a plug-in speaker?"

Kaminari did. He fetched it. Shine put on background music that was quiet.

Todoroki began to revive slightly after Momo brought out some tea. "I'm okay," he said, "You all don't have to do this."

"It's no trouble," Momo said. Momo would have stayed up all night making tea for anyone who looked as close to a breakdown as Todoroki did. 

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