Part 25: Scheming with Todoroki

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Wally and Shine stayed up well into the night talking about what Miss Joke had disclosed to him. They discussed the points of it thoroughly and what it meant for the hero world. 

"No wonder no one here wants to criticize it," Shine said, "Not that we hadn't guessed it, but, her coming right out and saying it is shocking. It's like everyone knows, and the illusion of security in this society is a thin shell that one little blow could crack."

"It does. I never thought I'd miss the news at home so much... but at least there, we have a choice about listening to it," Wally sighed, "What do you think we're supposed to do about it...? I can't get what she said at the end out of my head. That we have to get used to it, and we can't change anything."

"It's kind of telling she already thinks we want to." Shine put her fingers together.
They were sitting against the wall in her room.

"But she's only trying to keep us from doing something reckless and stupid." She put a hand on Wally's shoulder.

"The thing is, babe, we can't exactly change it, can we? Now that we know how it all stands, our only concern is whether we conform to it or not. I for one, refuse to think so small as all that nonsense, and I'm not a super, so it doesn't affect me at all, really. You have the harder call to make. We're here for an indefinite amount of time. Do you want to remain a vigilante? Or try to lay low? Whatever you do, I'll help you. We bring different things to this mission. It can't be a coincidence that you, a super, are here, on this world of heroes... I back you up at home, I'll do it here."

Wally took her hand. "Yeah, but you're not my sidekick...You have your own job, your own field here, and I'm still new at it. I think if I try to be a super, I'll forget I'm supposed to be a you said before... I can't just go off busting down the LOV's doors, even if I could find them. Even at home, doing something like that, I'd need a whole team, not just myself."

"And we have no indication we're supposed to bring down the League," Shine said, "Look at where we were sent to--here, UA. Clearly that is the primary focus for us. The problem is here... but, look who we met on day 1. Dabi, the other villains, so I take it we're also meant to be involved in that... because the kids are. We can't afford to be ignorant if we're going to protect them. All my instincts are saying pursuing this thing with Dabi is the wisest course of action. We must learn more about both sides to do our job well. Or we're irrelevant."

"If we do learn more about both, then we're relevant to both the League of Villains and the Heroes. Is that what your saying?" Wally said, "We make ourselves too useful to be ignored on both sides?"

Shine rubbed her hands together. "I don't know if we can pull that off, but, we can still gain valuable insight into the problem by investigating more... I'm more interested in the people involved, but if there's one thing I know about them by now, it's that they take no one seriously who isn't useful."

"You've got that right," Wally said, "they thought we were a joke until we proved we could keep up."

"And they thought we were naive until I made that point about them being at odds," Shine said, "Clearly, we'll have to earn everything--they won't hand it to us. That's why I say we can't afford to slack off learning more, even if we're busy, but I won't let that be the most important thing for me."

"So, you want to meet up with Dabi again? He sure seemed receptive," Wally said sardonically.

Shine shook her head. "Not just yet. There's something I need to do first, some thing I need to find out."

"Okay," Wally said, "What is it?"

"I'll tell you later. I'm still not sure these rooms aren't filmed," Shine said, "For now, let's just get some sleep. We're going to be busy tomorrow."

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