Part 149: Cover Party

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Saturday finally arrived.

Shine and Emi got ready together, as planned, with Momo's help.

"I gotta confess, Shine," Emi said, "I didn't think you'd go with black. You're usually wearing blue or metallic or green."

"Ah, I wanted to stand out less," Shine said, fastening on a cross necklace, "How do I look?"

"Ah, I wanted to stand out less," Shine said, fastening on a cross necklace, "How do I look?"

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[Design by Onerose. Original template by original owner.]

"Honestly, pretty dang good." Emi put her finger and thumb to her chin.

"I like your outfit too," Shine said.

[I picture this, minus the flower crown probably, maybe in green

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[I picture this, minus the flower crown probably, maybe in green. It was so hard to find fan art for Miss Joke out of costume. Image by Tumgir.]

"Thanks," Emi said.

"You both look lovely," Momo applauded.

"I'll say." Midnight appeared. She'd come over kind of uninvited to inspect the other staff. "Why, Likstar, even a prude like you can manage to look halfway decent. Your boyfriend won't be able to keep his hands off you tonight."

"Nemuri, you have 5 seconds to rephrase that," Shine said.

"What I mean to say is, you'll pass," Midnight amended.

"What's so wrong with that?" Emi asked Shine.

"Because she's doing it to annoy me," Shine said, "Also, I don't want the kids hearing her implying weird stuff about Wally and I. It's bad enough Mineta is always listening for it."

"I'll never understand your religion's insistence on celibacy," Midnight said.

"It's not celibacy. It's against fornication," Shine said dryly.

Momo reddened. "I'm just going to go wait outside now..."

"There, you see?" Shine said to Emi.

--Who was laughing at her. "I get it, Shine, but, really, you're so easy to wind up on this one thing... It's kind of hard to resist."

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