Part 164: End of the Resort/Todomomo confession

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Momo reached for the computer and hit the save button on the file she'd opened.

The Fireball throwing was close enough now to not miss.

They had their eyes on Momo, watching for if she made something.

Momo looked up only in time to realize this.

Then, Fuyumi threw one of the chairs at them.

The idiot Meta had not even watched her, assuming she wasn't a fighter if she wasn't fighting.

The chair hit them head on before they could spit any defense at it, it was just a plastic swivel chair, so not that heavy, but they fell on their rear end.

Momo stared at Fuyumi.

"It was all I could think of." Fuyumi said, reddening.

"No that was amazing!" Momo was impressed. 

She glanced down. The download was finished.

"That's enough," Intelli said over the line. "You'd better move that device before it gets destroyed, I have plenty."

Momo snatched the phone off the cord without even waiting to unplug it from the computer.

"Destroy it," Intelli added.

Momo smashed the shield into the monitor, and then the actual computer.

The fireball shooter had gotten up by then and kicked the chair aside.

"Who even are you? You're no hero I know," she growled.

Fuyumi shoved up her glasses. "It doesn't matter."

Momo formed a long pole. "I think we'd better finish this."

"Get into one place!" Shine suddenly yelled at them over the ruckus.

Momo used the pole to knock the Fireball girl aside while she was distracted, and then she and Fuyumi ducked back behind the desk.

Shoto finally got to them. "Are you two okay?" He sounded worried.

"Oh we're fine," Momo said.

"What happened to your..." Shoto glanced at Fuyumi's sweater.

"Just little fire, it's fine," Fuyumi said. 

"You're not burnt?"

"No, Shoto, I have fire immunity like you," Fuyumi said. "Just a little, but I can withstand something that size."

"You do? What's your quirk" Shoto said.

"You don't know that?" Fuyumi gaped.

"I didn't know Touya's either," Shoto said. "I mean, I knew part of it, but, not all of it."

"It's fire, small fire," Fuyumi said. "Nothing like yours." She touched her hair. "You couldn't guess?"

Shoto really should have guessed.

Momo wondered if she should say she'd just figured it was that or some combination of fire and ice like his, but then decided it wasn't necessary to voice that thought.

[Character development!]

Shinso appeared from around the edge of the desk, gasping for breath.

"These guys just keep coming." He rubbed his head. "I'm getting a little foggy. Maybe I've overused my quirk? I've never used it on so many people..."

Something hit the desk and sent it skidding a little. They all backed up to the wall. The desk pinned them there.

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