Part 6: ⏰ Pranking Class 1-A 😜

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The next day it was back to full on training with a trip to the USJ to practice handling disasters, more successfully this time. Shine and Wally got to hear all about the incident of a year prior from multiple sources.

Shine was not too impressed with the account of Shigaraki, despite the students describing him as scary, and she surprisingly guessed the Nomu was not his creation right off. 

Though it was Kirishima she told this too, he wasn't 100% sure who was responsible. Probably All for One, but it wasn't as if anyone could prove he was working alone, and Kirishima thought mentioning All for One was unwise, not knowing that Likstar had been filled in already. He changed the subject.

"So, how'd you and West meet? I mean, you said you're from different places, right?"

A part of their story that was almost more unbelievable than the rest of it-- it seemed so out there. Likstar nodded in confirmation.

"Yeah, I'm from the Silent Planet. He's from what I call the DC universe, for lack of a better term. They are connected, but neither knows the other exists." 

He waited... 

"And...?" he finally said. 

Likstar shoved her hair back. "We met because my enemy tried to destroy my ability to DJ-- or World Walk, if you prefer. It's a long story, but I lost memories of all my trips, and my connection to the worlds almost snapped completely. Memory is crucial to this line of work. Without it, I'm clueless about it all.... Plus," she leaned on her sword--which was weird to see, "what I learn, what I get from each place, becomes a part of me. Without it, I'd be a lesser person. I think that was the other goal, but it was stopped."

"Whoa, heavy." Kirishima was impressed.

"Yeah, anyway, he got sucked into it... To tell you the truth, at the time I wondered why he was one of the people  involved. I had formed the least connection with him. Now it's clear."

Kirishima gave her a questioning look, so she continued.

"It's about what would be. Because of the whole adventure, we became friends. You can guess the rest. So, in the end, the enemy self foiled. Ironic, no?"

"Yeah, lucky too."

"Not lucky, ever," she said that very decidedly, like it was a real point to be made.

Though the training was challenging, the students all felt it wasn't really aimed at them. The school wanted to see what these DJs were made of, but they also wanted to see how the students would interact with them. 

The girls seemed to like Shine. Wally was accepted into the group, Kirishima and Kaminari especially clicked with him, but he wasn't really a leader. Shine's personality was not very pushy (so far) or flashy, nor did she command loyalty the way Midoriya or Iida did, or respect like Todoroki, but she had force to her that was powerful even when her physical prowess sorely lacked, and this was the concern.

Already her influence on the girls could be seen, even if it was just in how they tried to help her. 13 put a positive spin on it. "They look up to her as an adult and as a person willing to defend us. Let's be honest, all us female teachers are involved minimally in training because we're so busy. I think Likstar's appeal is she's there all the time, and her leadership is more like a hands-off presence. I wouldn't worry about it. It might even be good for them for now."

But All Might and Aizawa were concerned about the ideas Likstar and West might put in the students' heads with their stories-- and often a remark here and there that sounded strange.

"I guess they'll have to hear other opinions sometime," All Might shrugged, "They can take it. Anyway, nothing really outlandish has happened."

But still...and this was after one week.

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