Part 23: Dealing with 1-B

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The UA staff, aside from Nezu, were all beginning to feel that watching the DJS closely was unnecessary. All Might discussed it with Aizawa while they were surveying them with Eri.

Eri was doing much better. Even her nightmares had seemed to go away now.

"I'd almost believe they were miracle workers," All Might told Aizawa, as they watched them from the security room, "She's already a different kid." 

"Not totally, and it's concerning that the people she's bonding with can't stick around," Aizawa said gloomily, "It won't affect her well, but what choice do we have?"

"Well, you can't be there all the time," All Might said cheerfully, "Besides this was already a temporary situation. I wouldn't worry about it."

"I wonder at how quickly they accepted Eri's power. They didn't bat an eyelash. What kind of people are they used to?"

"Miss Likstar mentioned knowing powerful people, like I used to be," All Might mused, "It must not be unusual to them, but why is that concerning?"

"Because," Aizawa leaned on his hands, "look at their quirks. Speed is the least of it. Shortcuts through space. Immunity to many quirk types. Shock absorption and release. Deflection. Not to mention how they can simply create temporary barriers that block everything except themselves. I see no pattern here. But any one of these abilities would have amazing potential in a student. To balance them all seems impossible. How could their minds not have snapped?"

He was thinking of the Nomu here.

"Perhaps they are just highly intelligent and versatile," All Might suggested, "like Yaoyurozu."

"Even she has her limits. Her quirk has rules. Even Eri has rules. Boundaries. I see none here."

"They aren't lethal," All Might pointed out.

"That's a choice. They easily could be."

"They don't seem to think so, but even so, I think there is a pattern of sorts," All Might cocked his head.

"Speed, blocking, deflection--they all involve getting away from harm. Being untouchable. Even the shortcuts are escape-oriented most of the time. When it comes to offense, both of them rely on more basic techniques. Even Likstar's offense involves defensive moves. Her shock wave repels attack as much as it stuns. West's speed attacks are evasive simultaneously, or they don't involve direct contact at all. They've learned some hand to hand, but they use it as a last resort or a supplement at best. Also they all rely on energy more than technique. Though they've demonstrated some skill in strategy, it's interesting that it relies mostly on their knowledge of the opponent's personalities, not their quirks... and clearly a lot of experience. I didn't think so at first, but even Likstar could easily pass the Provisional License exam, if she simply planned it right. She's decent at applying her quirk. West is exceptional. It verifies their claim of living in a superhero world."

This analysis from All Might of all people meant it was the work of long and careful thought about it. He must really have been concerned about the students' safety.

"What doesn't add up is their cavalier attitude about training and improving," Aizawa replied, "They accept it like a hobby, not a necessity their life depends on."

All Might leaned back on a chair. "Open your eyes, Aizawa. They aren't interesting in becoming Pros--I think you said Likstar made that perfectly clear--they want to know about us. Like anthropologists, almost, they're drinking in our culture. They're concerned with people, not punching things. In some ways they remind me very much of Young Midoriya."

"They're just as reckless," Aizawa conceded, though he didn't think there was much resemblance beyond that, "All four of you have that in common."

The implication clearly being, not a compliment.

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