Part 110: Rooftop Roundtable

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The LOV didn't expect to arrive in a parking lot.

Dabi recognized the spot and looked suspicious.

Everyone else just stared at Hawks like they didn't expect him to be there.

Hawks waved nervously.

"Wow...a lot of you came," Shine said oddly.

"Well, it's not like you specified," Compress pointed out.

"Why's he here?" Spinner asked, nodding at Hawks.

Shine and Wally explained as quickly as possible, and, almost before they really finished, Shigaraki interrupted to say that the League was going to have to do the work, as usual.

"So what do you want us to do?" Compress almost seemed glad to have a task at hand.

Shigaraki had not gotten very far there yet.

"Well...if you could find them again...maybe we could get more info...weaknesses, something."

"But isn't that kind of what got us into this?" Spinner said.

Shigaraki looked at him like he shouldn't be questioning him.

"Uh...but it could work," Spinner amended quickly.

"We could handle that," Lethe spoke up.

"Why are they here?" Shigaraki asked Compress, "I didn't mean to bring the newbs. They aren't ready for this kind of job."

"Well, how was I supposed to know?" Compress said, "They just came. We didn't tell them to."

"We can handle anything," Lethe said.

"I'll be the judge of that," Shigaraki grumbled.

Lethe frowned a little. "Just try us. We've done well so far. Better than the senior members."

"Cheeky little b-----d," Compress muttered to himself, then saw Medea looking his way and clammed up.

Shigaraki was not used to getting lip from teenagers. "Don't act so cocky."

"It's not cocky if it's true," Lethe said.

"We're tough," Medea declared.

"Uh, who are these kids?" Wally asked Shigaraki. "You're using teenagers now? That's kind of irresponsible isn't it?"

He said to the 21 year old.

"What business is of yours?" Shigaraki didn't want to talk about this.

"We're not kids!" Lethe said. "Who are you anyway? I don't recognize you."

"He looks dumb." Medea said.

Wally eyed them. "Yo, you usually try to make such a stellar first impression? How old are you two? 18?"

"16--" began Medea, but a look from her brother and she went silent.

"If the League wants to use us, there's no reason you should care." He finished.

"Wally, we used teenagers," Shine said.

"I know, but not to be villains," Wally said.

"What's the difference?" Spinner said.

"Well, I think you're never too young to do the right thing," Wally said. "But you're definitely too young to be told to do the wrong thing."

"That sounds like what a pro would say," Compress said.

"You all sure do like to shoot everything down by that," Shine said. "You ever consider they might say it for a reason? Kids can be endangered by evil as much as anyone else, they have to be able to fight it in their own way. But to do it? Why should they have to do that. Maybe that's it. But I don't approve of using them to fight our own battles anyway.

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