Part 45: The Second Rescue

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"So you're saying the exercise is a just the first part?" Todoroki said strangely, "Now we have a rescue mission part two... to rescue our friends?"

"That's right," Midnight announced way too cheerfully, "All the students who failed the first exercise are now hostages. They get a chance to redeem themselves if they figure out how to escape before you get there, and you win if you can free at least one of them and get them to safety. But it won't be easy-- you'll be taking on multiple pros at once, now."

"Flip. What kind of fake rescue mission is this?" Camie complained, "You guys are intense."

"I can't believe so many of us are captured," Kirishima said.

Out of 1-A, only Deku, Uraraka, Tsuyu, Hagakure, Todoroki, Momo, Bakugo, and Kirishima were still free. Everyone else was captured. It seemed the Pros had tried extra hard for real this time.

Out of Shiketsu, only Camie, Shishikura, Yoarshi, and two others were left. A girl and boy.

"Your class are wimps," Bakugo said to Camie.

"Yo, I don't think they were expecting actual Pros to attack them. Like, it's more weird there's so many of you guys left," Camie said.

Shine rejoined them. "It's part of the obvious bias of these exercises," she said.

"Don't start, Likstar," Midnight said, "For this exercise, you're out for forfeiting information."

"It wasn't against the rules of the Sim," Shine said.

"But it renders you useless as an antagonist, so I'm doing in," Midnight said. She gave the students a rather unsettling smile. "Watch out, students. I may not be so nice next time we meet." She ran off.

"Uh... if Midnight is participating, how are we going know... fight?" Kirishima said.

Shine sat down in a chair. "Well, I'm not really supposed to help you. I already told you what I know."

"This feels a little... too real," Momo said, "I mean, I know that's the point, but... our classmates don't even get to participate as heroes. They have to be victims."

"Clever, isn't it?" Shine said, "This could happen to any of you at any time." She leaned back. "Already has, hasn't it? It's important to learn how to handle these situations as a pro. Sometimes people you like may be in trouble. You can't let that make you panic. However, as I actually care about your mental state... if any of you start feeling too overwhelmed by this, you can sit this one out. Not everyone is ready for the same thing. It's okay if you aren't. This isn't a real thing. It's better not to push yourself into a state of panic if you don't need to."

"I think I'll be fine," Todoroki said coolly.

"Yeah, we can't let this stop us, Miss Likstar," Kirishima said.

Shine looked a little disappointed that no one was going to protest this further.

"Well, in that case, you have 3 more minutes to recuperate and plan before going back in. Think of it as a mock reconnaissance meet up. Normally you'd have police reports to work with... but in this case, we don't have the time for that, so you must assess the situation from what you already saw."

Everyone looked at Momo, even the Shiketsu students.

Momo swallowed and put a hand to her chin. "Well... we know it's our teachers, so we know their quirks... We just barely got away from them... Snipe is a problem because of his range, and theoretically, his weapons are more dangerous. Midnight could also lie in wait... but... the only way to safe guard against her is to have a breathing mask. For so many of us that could be difficult."

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