Part 189: The Koi Pond

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On the other side of the portal, they found themselves at...Endeavor's house?

"It was the only neutral location," Shine said, sitting down rather hastily, "I couldn't take us to a lair or the school or out in the open. We're all soaked with snow."

"What if he's home?" Wally said.

It had been about 10 am in Canada when they left it, so that made it around 3 pm here. So Endeavor was not home.

In fact, no one was.

The warm air felt so good though after the freezing mountain chill.

Camie sank onto the floor. "Dang, my toes were about ready to fall off..." she said.

The door opened before anyone could leave, and Fuyumi walked in carrying groceries. She almost dropped them when she saw everyone.

Hawks grabbed them for her.

"Oh...well." Fuyumi smiled. "Momo-san! I'm so glad you're okay... Shoto and Touya have been worried sick."

"Who's Touya?" Iida wondered.

"And Ibara!" Fuyumi ran up to her. "You're here? You're okay... Oh, who did that to you?"

Ibara blinked. " I know you?"

"Well, not that well, but I thought you'd remember me from last time," Fuyumi said innocently.


"Uh, well, she's just a little in shock," Iida said hastily.

"Oh? Oh!" Fuyumi backed up. "I'm so sorry. I'm so stupid. Of course I shouldn't crowd you...but uh, what are you all doing here?"

"Neutral location," Wally said.

"Oh...of course," Fuyumi said, "Can I get you some tea?"

"I'd love some," Medea said.

"But we really should just go, before we miss more school..." Momo said.

"If you think I'm letting you do any hero training today, you've not learned me as well as I thought," Shine said, a little peeved, "You're going to rest when we do get back...but I think I need a while, unless Wally wants to do it..."

"No. Can I just crash here for the rest of the day?" Wally was flopped on a chair. "I'm so tired..."

"I want to leave." Shigaraki had had it with dealing with people.

"Are we just okay with him going?" Iida asked.

"He helped us all escape." Shine sat up. "Do you have anything you wish to say Iida?"

Iida didn't like her tone there. It scared him.

"," he said.

"Thank you...?" Momo guessed.

Shigaraki didn't take any notice of that. 

"I guess you can go." Shine didn't want to push him to the breaking point. "Just let me eat first, okay? If that's all right, Fuyumi."

"Oh, of course, anything you want," Fuyumi said.

Shigaraki went to stand in corner until Shine was ready.

Mirko sighed. "Well, I hope we'll get a chance to lie low for a few days... That time change messed me up..."

* * *

Shoto didn't wait for them to come back to the dorms. Once he heard they were at his house, he rushed over. Dabi came with him...since he really could go anywhere now.

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