Part 140: Shoto and Dabi finally talk/Hawks gets KFC

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"So that went well," Shine told Dabi the following morning.

Dabi didn't think so.

"Sounds like what I expected to happen," he said.

Shoto sighed.

"Well, cheer up," Shine said lightly, "It could have been worse. Fuyumi wasn't so bad. She's cool."

"You like everyone. That's not saying much," Dabi said.

"I don't like everyone, Dabi, just...most people... Okay...a lot of my friends are weird..." Shine said.

"What do you have against Fuyumi-niisan?" Shoto said.

Dabi made an annoyed face. "Personally? Nothing. I don't know her anymore. But it's all the same."

Shine shook her head. "So pessimistic. Well, I'll make us some hot chocolate." She left the room.

"Why hot chocolate...?" Shoto said.

"She wants it," Dabi said blandly.

"Do you want cold soba?" Shine called.

"Sure," Dabi said before Shoto could answer.

"Uhh...yeah..." Shoto said, with a weird look.

"You're gross." Shine must have been directing that at Dabi, because he rolled his eyes.

"Ain't my fault you've got zero taste."

"Wait, Shine, you don't like cold soba?" Shoto said, like it was the same as not liking breathing.

", cold noodles are not my flavor." Shine stuck her head out to give him a weird look. 

"You never said that before." Shoto sounded betrayed.

"Because I didn't want to hurt your feelings, but Dabi's not sensitive about it. Sorry, I forgot you were listening." Shine shrugged.

"Well, I don't know if I care that you don't like it," Shoto said, "but..." he gave Dabi a weird look, "you do?"

"What's wrong with that?" Dabi was defensive. "I can't eat what I want now?"

" doesn't matter," Shoto said.

Shine went back to making her stuff, and there was an awkward silence.

"Can I ask something?" Shoto said finally.

"You're gonna whether I want you to or not," Dabi said dully, fiddling with his jacket.

"Fuyumi was talking about what happened before you uh...uh..."

"Faked my death?" Dabi said flatly.

"Yes, that," Shoto said, "I was wondering if it was because of me."

Very awkward pause.

"Why does it matter?" Dabi said.

"I want to know what happened...really," Shoto said.

"Why, so you can lecture me?"

"No. I thought the truth was supposed to be important."

Hard to argue with that.

Dabi supposed it didn't matter anymore.

He kept picking at the lining of his jacket.

"It was everything. Mom, Endeavor...all of it. I snapped... Sure, I didn't like you either."

"But I was a baby," Shoto said.


"So what did I do to offend you?" Shoto said, now a little angry.

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