Part 153: Wally confronts Hawks

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The backlash of the attack on the Pro Heroes was real. People were approaching heroes everywhere.

Public favor was already more against the heroes since the Meta war began anyway, but this just started it all up again.

Even UA students, when they left the campus to visit parents or go to the store, got approached by nosy or angry people.

Iida took the whole thing pretty hard and didn't really listen to Shine or Wally when they tried to comfort him. His one consolation was his brother was all right. Cece and Tensei had gotten out with the first escapees, because people had helped Tensei since he was in a wheelchair.

Shine said it showed some standards didn't change with time.

Camie snuck over to UA starting the day after the event, though Shine was much too tired to do much more than portal. The students were trying to let their supervisors rest. Wally was better; he was more used to late nights because of his job.

For Shoto, the whole event had stalled him on knowing what to do about Momo. He still was thinking about it, but she was worried, and he was worried, and it seemed better to wait a couple days to act on anything.

Surprisingly, Dabi was more civil about the whole thing, other than he said it was too bad Endeavor walked out unscathed.

"You really mean that?" Shoto said.

"I don't know anymore, but it's a habit to say it," Dabi was honest, "I wasn't as sore about it as I would have even a month or so ago, but I don't feel glad. What do I do with that?"

"I can't say I felt one way or the other," Shoto admitted, "but it would be bad for all of us if they succeeded, so I'm glad they didn't...but people are dead."

"5 out of over 500 is not even 1%," Dabi said.

"But it was so easy. Why do the villains always know how to attack?" Shoto was frustrated. "They are always ahead of us."

"It might shock you to know the LOV tends to feel it's the other way around. The heroes have all the advantages, except surprise. We always know they'll show up. They don't know when we will."

Dabi had yet to lose the habit of talking like he was in the LOV, but in this case it was useful.

"I guess that makes sense," Shoto said, "but if that's true, why do they always seem to get what they want?"

"Actually, from failing to kill All Might, to Endeavor, to not stomping out the metas completely, I'd say we don't get what we want all that often, but we do damage. 'Give 'em back what you got' is our motto."

"But sinking UA's reputation, kidnapping Bakugo..."

"All that really isn't that much," Dabi said, "but if you want to know our secret, I'll tell you, because you won't be able to use it against us anyway."

Shoto waited.

"You guys are predictable morons," Dabi stated, "You know why Likstar does what she wants and West follows? She's not predictable."

"How is she not and we are?" Shoto was clueless.

Dabi rolled his eyes. "Heroes always do the same thing-- spout off the same crap about taking down villains, and go for protecting civilians. That formula is easy to beat. You just threaten one of those things. We're crazy, but we still could figure that one out. And Boss isn't stupid, even if he is immature, but who isn't? Likstar's secret is you never know what she'll do. Even when we tried to use you little punks against her, she pulled stuff we didn't see coming, with the nomu, and knowing things and predicting we'd do stuff. She can think, basically. All of you let your training think for you. Easier that way. That's why the League beats you. Right?"

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