Part 73: Act 3

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Camie saw Shine fall off the roof before any of them could get past the fire and go after her.

Bakugo might have, but he was busy trying to help Todoroki not die by keeping Compress off of him.

"Oh no!" Camie cried, watching the fall, "No, do something!"

"What is it?" Momo said.

"Likstar-san just fell off a roof... Can she, like, break her fall?"

"I...don't know. I hope so." Momo was alarmed. "We have to find her."

"We're hedged in here, sis, unless you can burrow through brick wall," Camie complained.

"I don't understand. How are they this prepared?" Momo said.

The villains weren't actually prepared, however. They just didn't care about the plan.

Camie tried to make an illusion so that they could get Miss Joke out of the cage, but the fire and explosions just moved it away.

"Ugh! If we don't get those jerks away from there, Miss Joke is going to be Miss Smoke," she said.

"Is this really the time for puns?" Momo said.

"Idk, I'm nervous here!" Camie snapped at her.

She never acted irritated, so Momo figured she must be pretty stressed. (Momo had just never seen her around Bakugo when he was being a prick.)

[Fyi, I think Mirko's punster-ness started rubbing off on me while writing this arc.]

Momo was trying desperately to think. "Oh, why am I so useless in a crisis?!" she said in frustration.

She was stunned when Camie pinched her. "Ow, what was that?"

"Listen, sis, I don't know why you're tripping but snap out of it," Camie said, "We both know I'm not that smart. Aren't you supposed to be mad genius or something? Look, don't care if you just make a vat of shaving cream but do something! I need something to go off of here!"

Momo was annoyed, but that made her less nervous. "All right, fine."

She threw the first thing she could think of out of the alley.


Of course...she forgot that Todoroki and Bakugo would also be affected, because she was in such a rush.

Light blinded all of them, villains included.

Bakugo could be heard swearing.

But at least Dabi and Compress couldn't attack them. Compress flailed helplessly and crashed into a building corner because he couldn't aim.

Camie snickered. "Ok, solid idea, fahm. Now it's my turn."

She blew a cloud of Glamour.

Bakugo recovered first, mostly because he was used to flashes of light from his own quirk, and it didn't faze him so much anymore. "The frick are those two chicks doing?" he muttered, "That freaking hurt!"

"Oh, quit whining and do something!" Camie said.

"Don't order me around!" Bakugo said, but he took the chance to blow up Dabi, who was just beginning to see clearly again, and sent him flying into an alley.

Compress turned and grabbed at Bakugo--but something shot at him. A net?

Momo drew a deep breath. "Things like this take a little longer."

Shoto finally looked around. "Where's Miss Joke?"

The cage was empty.

"What? Impossible. How did she get out?" Compress said.

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