Part 9: A test of strength

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It took a while to wrap her mind around Shine's reveals, but finally Momo faced the idea head on.during training. Maybe it wasn't so impossible. She couldn't picture Shine or Wally lying, not on purpose, and the sword... Plus it's not like Christianity wasn't widely believed in some countries, America least, it used to be. There were always things you couldn't explain...and Shine herself admitted, knowing it was real didn't mean you bought into all of it. Surely there was a line there somewhere...but also...should there be? And spirituality being behind everything, that was... not a new idea, but not one she'd really thought about much. How to solve this problem.

"Momo! Look out!" Jiro yelled. Cement came flying at her head, she jumped back barely in time. She hadn't realized how distracted she was.

"Are you awake, Yaoyerozu?" Aizawa asked.

Momo reddened. "Yes, sir. Sorry."

"I suggest you pay closer attention, there's a lot of debris in here." Tightly.

"Yes, sir," Momo looked around.

She saw Shine giving her a knowing glance and then an apologetic smile. But it wasn't the lack of sleep. It was the puzzle. Momo tried to focus. She'd deal with this later.

At lunch the students discussed the news coverage, Kendo offered the consolation that their parents had been mostly pleased. Naturally some people were still worried. Shine was more worried about Yaoyerozu. She regretted telling her so much and she wasn't sure the girl would keep it to herself. Wally even admitted it was a lot to accept.

"You can't expect everyone's experiences to be the same," he mused. "I kind of got slapped in the face with reality, the Remnant kids grew up more aware of it, and you were taught it. I don't see much faith of any kind here... Maybe with quirks, people ignore a higher power."

Shine peeled a banana while replying: "That reminds me of something Miss Joke said, about science and interplanetary travel. Basically, quirks advanced certain sciences, but they kept humanity grounded. Focused on this world and managing that society."

"Is that so wrong?" Wally asked, between mouthfuls of rice. "Well, reaching for the stars can be a problem," Shine admitted. "But so can never looking up at them. 'When I considered the heavens the work of Thy fingers, the moon and the stars which Thou hast ordained, what is man that you are mindful of him, or the son of man that you visit him?'"

"'For you have made him a little lower than the angels'" Wally nodded thoughtfully, "'and have crowned him with glory and honor'  Psalm 8 right?"

"Yes," Shine sipped her juice. "You see what I'm getting at?"

"True glory comes from God?"

"Basically," she affirmed. "Not to be snobbish, but you know, superpowers don't impress me much without a meaning there."

"You know, I get a lot of Christian fans telling me they feel safer knowing a godly man is in the League's top 7," Wally said. "And Sheyera, Diana, they get that too. Even people who hate us admit we're more...firm? I guess. Did you know that would happen?"

 "Of course not, but I knew God changes things for the better, even if people hate Him. I'm not surprised." She smiled. "But I wonder, how does that apply now? I sense no hunger here, Remnant was open, desperate, humble. They knew."

"Some people knew," Wally said. "But it's not like all of them were open... I wonder how things are going there."

"Well, I think, I have dreams..." Shine paused, but then returned to the subject. "They seem full."

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