Part 63: A bomb walks into a knife fight

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It was the work of a moment to strike. To burn up a person.

Dabi had put his hand up to do it, while Shine still didn't dodge...

And... he stopped.

Shine's eyes widened a little bit.

Dabi didn't know what it was, but he lowered his hand.

He cursed. "D---- you, Likstar.... I can't do this..." he slumped. "I'm too...weak."

Shine let out the longest sigh of relief. "Thank you." 

"Don't thank me... I'm not saving you," Dabi said, "The fire will probably take care of it for me... I don't want to watch." He turned.

"Dabi, wait," Shine said, "Momo...please...can you make sure she's okay?"

Dabi glanced back. "I'm not going to save her. I won't kill her myself, that's all. I guess that's the only apology I'll give you for how this turned out. I hate you, by the way."

"I know," Shine said, "but...Momo didn't deserve this."

"Neither did you," Dabi said, stepping back toward the end of the fire.

Then ice shot out in front of him. It began to melt at once, but cooler air briefly came out.

"Shoto?" Shine looked toward him.

"Shine? Get back. I've got this," Shoto yelled. He shot more ice, trying to put out the fire.

"Wow, cannot trust those morons to do anything..." Dabi muttered. Then ice hit him.

"You!" Shoto cried, "You'll pay for this, once I get her out of here."

"Shoto." Shine stumbled toward him. Flames almost blocked her. "Leave him. It's not worth it. We have no time to fight him... I can't go, not if.... But wait, did Camie get away?"

"Yes, we both did. She went after... Wait..." Shoto realized he'd forgotten her. "Uh...but where's Momo and Bakugo?"

"Bakugo is gone. Momo is still here somewhere, but I hope she got to the river," Shine said, "Do you have your phone? Did they take it?"

"I don't have it," Shoto said, "I have to find Momo, and we need to get out of here." He formed more ice.

Dabi disappeared into the fire.

"I can't believe we're just letting him go," Shoto said darkly.

"Just go," Shine said, "That way, toward the river. It's the safest place. Where is Camie?"

"I'm not sure, but she'd never run into fire," Shoto said. He began skating. The ice was melting almost as fast as he could make it, but he manged a little, enough to skate.

* * *

Momo had lost sight of Shine in the smoke after Bakugo had vanished, but she'd finally gotten a radio to work.

"Hello? This is Momo Yaoyurozu. I have an emergency..." She described her location and problem.

"We'll send back up," the police told her, "Don't try to engage. These villains are deadly. Get away if you can."

Momo began to pray-- she wasn't sure to what, anything-- that this wasn't going to be too late. Surely there must be some way they could escape?

The smoke stung her eyes, and she moved toward the water again. It was still a ways off though.

She starting crying, more from fear than the smoke, but...

Wind caught the fire and blew it in a wall toward her. She started to run instead.

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