Part 148: Shigaraki gets threatened by Mirko's brother

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It took about 10 minutes to tell, during which time Ren didn't stop tinkering on another device.

He didn't interrupt, but Shigaraki did three times to fact check.

Rumi finally finished. "And that's why you all need to get out."

"Well, that's all well and good, sis, but we have jobs and school here," Ren said, "It's no different than 10 years ago, we're not gonna move. But don't worry too much. I have security traps installed all over this place. I just need to turn them on."

"Ren, you mad genius," Rumi snorted, "Do Mama and Papi know about this?"

"No, and you're going to keep it that way," Ren said, "I kept your cage fighting a secret...till it got out, that is..."

"Her what?" Shigaraki sputtered.

"You didn't tell him?" Ren snorted, "And they let you hang around anyway? I would have thought that tidbit would be, like, the price of admission or something."

"It wasn't relevant," Rumi sniffed, "and there was no need to bring it up."

"What, ashamed of it? I thought you didn't have regrets?"

"I don't, but it's not relevant. I won't regret punching you for it either."

"Sis, this is my room. If you punch me, there's, like, 6 different things I can activate to stop you," Ren smirked.

"Ah, that's why you wanted to talk in here with the LOV leader," Rumi said. "Sly."

"I do what I can," Ren said.

He smirked at Shigaraki, who was now officially freaked out.

"And, hey, I have a friend who's real good at hacking," Ren said, "Going into detective work, you know. I'll ask him to put safe guards on all our WiFi and stuff, so we won't get tracked. He could do yours too, if you come by again tomorrow."

"Not sure I can."

"Suit yourself. I know, you've gotta keep kicking butt and taking names." Ren leaned back. "But suffice it to say, I've got it under control. No average ninja would break into this house. I can't do much for what we do outside of it though, but that's true everywhere. So if you want me to scare everyone into taking safety precautions, I will."

"Thanks. I knew I could count on you to back me up," Rumi sniffed, "All this time and Mama still doesn't trust me."

"Well, you know, Sis, some people just never do," Ren said, "For the record, I think you're pretty cool. And that whole cage match thing, it gave me serious street cred while I was in high school. I used to tell the bullies that my sister was a mad delinquent who'd beat them up if they fricked with me. Worked like charm when I showed them a poster to back it up."

"You little sociopath," Rumi said fondly, "I just bet you did..."

"Hey, a guy does what he has to to survive. I can't make inventions if my arms are broken, can I?" Ren said, "And I'm not a fighter. That's your thing." He snorted. "Hey, you should go have some lunch before Mom throws her chancla at you. I'll keep an eye on your 'guest.'"

"Ugh." Rumi got up. "I better not come back in here and find blood on the carpet."

"As if I'd ever leave evidence," Ren scoffed.

"Hey, wait, don't leave me in here with him!" Shigaraki said.

"Why not?" Rumi paused at the door. "Ren's perfectly capable of stopping you from doing anything in, like, 5 different ways. It's no big. you'd be muy estupido to try something."

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