Part 97: The tower of terror

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[#Disney references for that title]

When the hideous tower stopped growing, Bakugo was close enough to the edge to see it was going to be a really, really long drop.

He might be able to propel himself enough to survive it...but nothing attacked him, but he'd be a sitting duck for any of the gunmen.

Overhaul must have known Shine couldn't get away from him up here, and Eri certainly couldn't. He seemed pleased. "Now, we won't be interrupted by any more heroes. Eri, come here." He held out his hand. "Enough nonsense. Come back now, or I will throw both of these fiends off this tower without their quirks."

Eri whimpered. "No..."

"Don't you listen to him," Shine pushed herself up. "I told you, it's worse that way."

"You be quiet," Overhaul smacked her with part of the roof and she fell sideways, but she got up again. Pulling out her sword
with some difficulty.

"It occurs to me," Overhaul said. "That I know why you seem distinctly remind of that fool I took the speed of yesterday...friend of yours?"

Shine looked up, eyes blazing. "My boyfriend, actually."

"Oh, wow..." Overhaul wasn't at all sorry, of course. "How fitting. Both of you are so pathetic. Eri, come."

Eri shook her head.

Bakugo sat up warily. If he got Overhaul's attention, his quirk might be assimilated, and then he'd be useless...but Shine was not in any shape to fight him either.

Kurogiri would keep her from being able to portal...possibly, she couldn't anyway, but...maybe if he got rid of the smoke man, she'd be able to use her powers more easily.

But how to do that without Overhaul stopping him?

"Shall I remove the vermin?" Kurogiri asked Overhaul. "He so unfortunately resisted Shigaraki's plea to join our cause when he had the fitting for him to meet this end."

"Do what you want, I don't care about that trash," Overhaul said. "Keep him away from me, that's all"

Well, problem solved...

Kurogiri moved toward Bakugo, but he seemed to be unable to use his smoke as well as he liked.

Shine's sword was glowing slightly.

"Disrupt me, but I disrupt you back," she panted. "Fair is fair, is it not? But I am stronger than you...don't think you'll be able to block me forever."

Kurogiri seemed to hiss in pain. "Fine, we'll do it the hard way."

He moved at Bakugo with his actual body, pulling out a gun.

Bakugo had one chance, and his reaction time was as good as usual, he blasted the gun away before Kurogiri could fire it. Then he launched himself at the villain and sent him sprawling over the edge of the tower.

Kurogiri plummeted, but seemed able to catch himself part of the way down.

Overhaul swore. Then started to move things at Bakugo, but Shine lunged forward and swiped, nearly slicing his mask off. "Hey, eyes over here, you monster!"

Overhaul turned back to her and started to collect more debris. But he was breathing a little hard...was he finally tired?

Shine swatted some of it away with her sword. "You won't be able to take me down with just shadows and tiles," she was hoping Bakugo would get away with Eri.

Bakugo started edging back towards her. He wished he knew if anyone below would see and cooperate if he tried to jump, maybe cause a distraction.

Eri's quirk wasn't still going off, oddly enough...had she actually stopped it herself this time? How?

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