Part 13: Spies?

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Momo called UA as soon as they were away from the villains, and the teachers told them to get to the nearest police station, which they did. But no one followed them. It seemed the villains either couldn't, or didn't have the motivation. While they waited for Aizawa to pick them up, Shine had Momo tell her the whole story.

"They couldn't have been there unless they wanted to attract attention," she reasoned. "But I doubt they knew you'd be around. That was just bad luck on your part."

Momo nodded. "But why were they acting so openly."

"Scare tactic: They're basically terrorists aren't they?" Wally said. "I'm still a little unclear on what they LOV actually does..."

"That's close enough," Momo said. Her hands were shaking. "I'm glad you guys showed up... I couldn't think, I just froze up...I'm pathetic."

"It's normal to not be sure what to do at a time like that," Shine said. 

"Not for a hero," Momo said sadly. "I can't believe I did that... I thought I had grown, but faced with real villains, I still didn't know what to do."

Wally and Shine exchanged a look.

"I think you did though," Shine said gently. "You didn't want them to hurt anyone else. Until we showed up, you had no back up, there were 3 of them, and two at least are out of their minds, I don't know about that Dabi person. He had the look of a guy just on the edge of sanity and insanity. Given the situation, I agree with what you did, if that means anything, since I'm not a pro."

"I do too, if that helps," Wally gestured nonchalantly. "I'd do the same thing, if I didn't have the power to stop them. Stalling is what you've got to do sometime."

"I...?" Momo was surprised. "You really... think that?"

"Why would we lie?" Shine said. "Look, it's normal to second guess yourself after a scary experience like that, but I wouldn't say you panicked, myself."

"But both of you knew what to do," Momo said.

"Well, I'm really fast..." Wally said.

"And I literally made it up on the spot," Shine said. "High risk situations make my thinking really clear and focused, for whatever reason. But clearly yours too. Don't feel bad about it. Besides, that move at the end was great. The look on his face was priceless. Like "oh, I'm screwed now""

She laughed.

Wally chuckled too. "That is a fun look."

Momo began to feel a little bit better listening to their easy way of handling it... but also, it puzzled her. Wally, she understood, as he had powers, but Shine's were so unclear, why was she so used to these kind of situations if she wasn't a hero?

Momo's relief was not shared by the UA staff. They were furious. And they blamed Shine and Wally for getting lost and leaving Momo alone. Wally took responsibility for running them to the wrong station, and Shine apologized for their inexperience causing a problem like this...but when the staff continued to scold them anyway, she started to lose patience.

"You can't make it out like the whole thing was solely our fault, some of it was just bad timing."

"Miss Likstar," Nezu said. "I wish to be fair, but you still left a student alone outside campus. In a public place."

"Isn't it unfair to blame us for that? You didn't want us to go with her, she could've been all alone if we hadn't tagged along, and the same thing could have happened, only with no help." Wally said.

"Yeah, the pros sure weren't showing up on time," Shine said.

"You're deflecting the blame onto actual Pros?" Midnight said, annoyed. "Even if you persist in claiming it's not your fault, that's going a bit far."

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