Part 78: Shine and Mirko--flame war

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Mirko tapped her foot on the floor like Thumper again. She swore if Likstar didn't show up after all this, she was going to UA herself and beating her up.

The thing with Hawks puzzled her too. What was that about? He hadn't appeared since.

Some fans on the kitchen staff walked by her and took a picture. She forced herself to smile and nod, but she was not in the mood for paparazzi right now.

Likstar finally walked in the door, carrying a purse and looking just like a regular guest. It kind of seemed out of place.

"Nice, private location again." She eyed the window overlooking the city. "And so high..." She backed up.

"I'm not going to break it and throw you outside. Do you know the bill that would be?" Mirko said, "Anyway, it didn't work before. This is just so no one will hear us."

" Pros get all the best dining locations," Shine said, sitting down across from her, "Sorry I'm a little late. Aizawa was late picking Eri up because of something in class, and then she gets a little anxious every time he's not there right on time, and I had to help."

"Glorified babysitter, that's your job, huh?" Mirko didn't really care, but she supposed playing nice might be useful.

"You're not the first one to say that...but, really, what's wrong with that? I love kids," Shine said, picking up a menu, "I assume you're paying, since you picked this location. I can't afford any of this... Well, I could, but I'm not paying that much for one meal."

"I don't really care. I'm not even going to order anything substantial," Mirko dismissed it.

"And waste this reservation?" Shine said.

"I didn't make one. They just let us eat here whenever we want-- Why are you so hung up on this?"

"I come from a poor family," Shine shrugged, "I mean, poor for middle class Americans, which means we had enough food, but we didn't eat out, we didn't go to Disneyland a lot, and I constantly worry about buying anything over $20.... Probably not poor by global standards, but we did lose our house, so..."

"Why are you telling me your life story?" Mirko said.

"That's not my life story. It's just a fact to explain why I think your attitude is a little oblivious," Shine said candidly.

"Hey, fyi, my family is not rich either," Mirko said, "I'm not saying it that way, but I worked hard for this salary, and I don't think that's a crime."

"It's not." Shine put the menu down. "I don't care if you're rich or not. I just invited me here like I was supposed to be able to afford it, without any explanation, like you assume I get paid enough for this. That doesn't sound a little arrogant to you?"

"I didn't put that much thought into it," Mirko said.

"I know," Shine replied.

A pause while her actual point sunk in.

"Well, forget it. Don't order, then. I just want that explanation you promised," Mirko said.

"Okay...but first, can I ask, what's your real name?" Shine asked.

"Rumi Usagiyama," Mirko said.

", I'm never going to be able to pronounce that last one..." Shine said. "Can I use your first name...? Oh, perhaps I should explain-- in America, that's not rude."

"I know that! I've been there. Do you think I'm uncultured or something?" Mirko snapped, "And I really don't care what you call me. Just get to the point."

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