Part 3: Training with 1-A

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When Shine came to, she was in some kind of nurse's office. After she met Recovery Girl, who was nice but scolded her for taking on villains by herself (like she was a child), Wally came in and didn't scold her. He instead told her that Nezu and All Might wanted to discuss something with both of them once she was recovered. 

Shine, aside from feeling like she'd been tasered on mild, was fine, so she followed him to Nezu's office. 

"Ah, Miss Likstar, I see you're recovered," Nezu said pleasantly. 

Shine rubbed her sword arm. "Just a little drained still. I knew using that much energy would overdo it, but I didn't have a different plan." 

Aizawa was by the tea counter. "What exactly did you do?" he asked, "Nothing you told us indicated you were capable of taking on three villains." 

Wally patted her shoulder with evident pride. "Just an average day," he said nonchalantly, "But, hon, please tell me you whooped their butts." 

Shine smirked. "Not at all. One of them, Twice, didn't even fight. The other, Dabi, didn't really try to kill me. The crazy knife girl was the real problem. Close range combat is not my strong suit." 

"So, you found out their names," Nezu surmised. 

"They said them," Shine shrugged. 

"The last one had to be Toga," All Might guessed, "She's dangerous. You're lucky you survived so long against all of them... I might add, so is Power Loader." 

"He's okay, right?" Shine said, with a queasy look. 

"He'll be fine," Aizawa said, "He hadn't lost too much blood, considering." 

"I wonder why they attacked in such a manner," Nezu said. 

Shine snorted. "That's easy enough. They must have seen Power Loader on his way and figured he was alone. Easy target. I don't care how good a super you are, getting attacked by three people is unfair. They didn't know we were there and counted on being able to replace him and do whatever they planned before you noticed. As it was, Wally finding him was almost a sheer coincidence. A few seconds earlier, and he'd have come back inside. Also, the chance that both of us knew what mud clones are is probably pretty slim, even here. Then I found that Dabi person almost by blind luck. All things considered, it was providential that they didn't succeed." 

All Might gave her a strange look. 

"That's exactly what our assessment was," Nezu said, with a tinge of amazement, "Except, we didn't know how you found the villains." 

"I was just glad we set up that signal idea beforehand," Wally said. 

"How did you stall them?" Aizawa asked. 

Shine told them a succinct version of the story-- that still managed to puzzle them.

"Didn't you think that was reckless?" Nezu said, "You are not a Hero, Miss Likstar."

 "So?" Shine said, shrugging. They blinked. She frowned. "Am I supposed to just get it? Another world, remember?"

She got to see them suddenly remember they were supposed to be humoring that notion. 

"Right," Aizawa said, drolly.

 "All I did was kick them and smack one with my sword," Shine added nonchalantly, "I don't think, under the circumstances, I can be blamed for that."

 "Yeah, who would be that stupid?" Wally said, irritated, "Shouldn't you guys be thanking her?" 

"Oh, no," Shine waved dismissively, "They don't have to. It was the least I could do. I mean, they accepted our story real quickly and are helping us adjust. The fact that we ran into villains is just an unfortunate circumstance. Though it was quite interesting, and I'm happy to help out a teacher. Goodness knows they need it... I teach on my world sometimes." She smirked. 

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