Bonus: More about World Walkers

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This story features people known as World Walkers, or DJs (Dimension Jumpers). A World Walker is someone with the ability to open portals to other worlds, go through them, and help the people there.

World Walkers are hinted at in many kinds of fiction, but very few people know all that much about what they actually do, because they have to keep it private. After all, if it got out that powerful people could cross dimensions and shake things up, a lot of citizens would have a panic attack--or worse.

The key thing to remember is that whatever world they go to, things play out differently than they would have if they hadn't come. Time lines might change slightly, people may not die who would die, other people may completely change their way of life.

The theory behind this is that DJs add a new element to a world, and everything a new element is introduced, the results change.

So, with that in mind, meet the DJs who will be working throughout this story with the characters from a world commonly known as My Hero Academia:

World Walker Bios:

Likstar, Shine:

History: The first World Walker/D. J. of the set. Shine Likstar began her career of inter-dimensional travel at a young age. Her experience has made her the natural leader of her team and resident expert on all things world related, though she'd be the first to tell you she hardly knows anything.

Appearance: Shine is a tall brunette with dark eyes that sometimes glow in certain worlds when she activates her gifts.

Skills: She is no stronger than the average woman and has no special skills in the physical area, but has been shown to be a decent fighter thanks to years of being in dangerous situations. The ability to read a situation quickly and accurately, and to take charge when necessary.

Shine also has good academic abilities, speaks multiple languages, and often uses sign language as a code between her and her partner and close friends.

Shine commonly takes the role of teacher, when she is not in a combative situation, and counselor.

Personality: Shine is a fiery person who has no problem telling it like it is. With maturing over the course of her career she has learned to temper her bluntness and intermingle it with subtlety and tact when she needs to, though she often still isn't sure when to draw the line.

Shine is also very good at getting under people's guard, and on their nerves. She often provokes them on purpose in order to get at the truth, and rarely seems to feel any remorse over doing so. But by turns she is also extremely merciful and often gentle with people who admit their problems up front.

When not working at helping people, Shine has a playful personality and often laughs at things and people that strike her as funny. She is also extremely loyal and protective of her friends, and has a quick temper when anyone attacks them.

Gifts: Alongside physical and mental talents, like all World Walkers, Shine has Spiritual Gifts. Which are constantly developing, growing, and being added to. The currently known ones are Discernment, Wisdom, Knowledge, and occasionally Prophecy.

Weapons/Tools: Shine has  a Sword to use in more dangerous worlds. The Sword appears whenever she needs it and can do a myriad of different things. Limited only by imagination. It is indestructible. The sword is mostly for defense only, but can be used to attack creatively. But it does not cut or kill people. It has been shown to kill monsters however. The sword also has no effect on Shine.

West, Wally:

History: Wally West is a famous superhero in his world, his World Walking career is unknown to any but his closest friends. He began it only a few years ago when he and Shine became a team. He has less experience and knowledge of Dimensional Travel, but has a natural flexibility with it that enables him to keep up with his companion. Though Wally lets Shine be the Leader, he has sometimes taken charge, and has no problem doing so when she is not around and it falls to him.

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