Part 126: Shigaraki chased by his own toys

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Camie kicked at the nomu frantically, but it was nothing at all to the beast. Was she going to get eaten or just torn apart?

Funny, she kind of wished she'd gotten to talk to Bakugo one more time if this was the end...and told her parents she loved them...and maybe done a whole host of other things. She was too young to die like this!

"Ahhh!" she yelled as it yanked her off the concrete and slammed her into the ground.

Her vision went fuzzy. She heard a loud noise and something rammed into the monster.

Camie blinked, trying to breathe...

Someone yanked her up. Bakugo?!!

She must be seeing things.

"I guess you really do see people you know right before you die..." she said dazedly.

"You're not dying, you moron. It's really me!" Bakugo said, "Snap out of it."

Camie blinked harder. "Baku? Really? No way."

Bakugo looked up. The nomu was getting back up. "Don't just stand there. Run for it."

He shoved her toward the concrete slab.

"What about you?" Camie asked.

"I'll be right behind you-- after I kill this thing!"

"Baku, that's not an ordinary nomu. Moto did something to it, and now it's even more psycho than it was before."

As if to prove this, the nomu first smacked itself into the pavement, and then picked the pavement up like it was going to hurl it at them.

"Great..." Bakugo swore. He blasted the nomu back with an AP shot.

Camie scrambled over the concrete. Bakugo ran after her. They both slipped over the other side.

"How did you know I was here?" she asked him.

"Likstar has a 6th sense about it," Bakugo said, "Don't know why."

"She has that? the other stuff she knows?"

"I guess.... What the h-- were you doing alone?"

"I wasn't alone at first, but Idk where everyone went," Camie said, "Maybe they went the wrong way."

The monster clawed at the concrete.

"I think it's locked on us now..." Camie said.

Bakugo grabbed her arm. "Come on, hurry up." 

They hurried, but it was gaining on them already.

Then Camie spotted something.

"Oh, look, motorcycle," she said.

"What? So?" Bakugo said.

"Bro, it's still in working condition." Camie ran up and got on it. "Come on."

"What? Can you drive that thing?"

"Dude, of course I can... Didn't my outfit tip you off?" Camie tipped her hat. "Come on. Do you want to grab a helmet first or can we just go?"

Bakugo got on behind her. "You better actually know what you're doing."

"Aw, are you scared?" Camie said, revving the engine.

The nomu lurched toward them.

"Well, this better work," Camie said. They took off.

"So where's everyone else?"

"The center of the city. We have a plan. Let's just lead this thing there, then we can kill it,"  Bakugo said.

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