Part 14: Todoroki begins to be freaked out

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 After talking to Todoroki, Momo felt more mentally prepared to tackle the whole class issue, but she couldn't come up with a better solution than his suggestion to leave it alone. All she came back to was she should make peace herself with them. No one seemed like they were mad at her, but they were tense. Jiro especially (Momo did not realize that was because she might be the most worried).

Shine herself was avoiding Momo, perhaps out of uncertainty. After all the talk about trust, it seemed it was as far away as ever. But maybe trust was going out on a limb sometimes.

She resolutely knocked on Jiro's door. 

Jiro opened it. "Oh... hi..." She frowned uncertainly. 

Momo talked fast when she was nervous. "I just wanted to say I know I've been acting strange lately and I didn't want to give the impression I was neglecting my friends or that I didn't want to spend time with them but-"

"Slow down," Jiro held up one hand.

Momo drew a deep breath. "I understand I've spent a lot of time around new people and not my classmates lately, and I'm sorry if I was neglecting my friends and responsibilities." 


Jiro tilted her head.

"Please," she said. "Fine, you're sorry, I'm sorry I was such a jerk. Both of us are  pathetic, can we call it even?"

Momo smiled in relief. "Of course... though, I think, you had a reason to be upset."

"I can't tell you who to hang out with," Jiro shrugged. "I thought about it, and I figured you had to have a good reason. You think things through."

"I do," Momo looked down, collecting her thoughts. "And I hope it's all right if I continue to study these new people. I don't want to waste any opportunity to learn from someone, and I'm still convinced there's a lot more to them than meets the eye." 

Jiro shrugged. "Just don't let them change you, okay?" 

"They aren't trying to.." Momo paused. Were they?

"You sure about that?" Jiro zeroed in on her doubt.

"I'm not certain giving advice is anything more than what our teachers do everyday. Shouldn't we considered all points of view?" She replied carefully 

"Well we signed up for our teachers's 'advice';" Jiro huffed. "Not some-- person's we don't know. That's different. But fine, let's figure them out, but as a team this time. Deal?" 

"All right, deal," Momo agreed. That seemed like a good plan.

"My life before you, I was a flame burning down, I was burning out. Butt you knew me better, for you there was never a doubt. Not since you gave me your life, something was different, I knew it the instant, you put the light in me!" 

"Singing?" Jiro said, outside Shine's door. 

Momo tugged her hair. "Yes, one of her hobbies I guess."

"Okay, it's kind of weird you know that."

"I've taken time to learn," Momo shrugged.

 She decided not to mention how often she saw Shine singing while polishing her sword. Jiro probably wouldn't like that picture.

Jiro listened another minute, music always interested her. "She's... Christian, right?"

"You've seen the Bible she has, and she's referred to it," Momo shrugged.

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