Part 2: A brush with the League of Villains

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"Are you sure you heard that right?" Kaminari asked Jiro in a freaked-out voice. The cluster of students were exchanging nervous glances. 

"It was pretty clear," Jiro said shakily. 

"Well--what are they saying now?!" Mina urged frantically. 

"This is a catastrophe!" Aoyama moaned, "Two lunatics just walked in--"

"Shut up, nerd!" Bakugo snarled. Aoyama clammed up with a small whimper. 

"...It's called DJ-ing," Jiro said after a moment, "but I missed why. Weird term... So they go from world to world to help people." 

"How many are there?" Mina squeaked. 

"Shh," Hagakure hissed.

Midoriya looked freaked out. You could almost see the wheels turning in his head. 

"There's parallel universes and alternative ones," Jiro said after another minute or so of tense silence, "I guess parallel ones are really similar to each other. Alternate ones are way different." 

"Do you think Principal Nezu is buying this?" Kirishima wondered. 

"Hard to say." Tokoyami bent his head. 

"Sounds pretty crazy." Ojiro rubbed his head.

* * *

"So far this sounds reasonable," Nezu said calmly, while most of the staff gaped and scratched their heads, "Certainly a lot to make up all on your own." 

Likstar was doing most of the talking. She seemed to have a better grasp of the subject.

"Some worlds know of each other," she said, tossing her hair, "Usually parallel ones. Occasionally there's a world within a world, but usually it's a separate dimension of its own there. But many worlds, like my own, and presumably this one, are what is called Silent. They have no open contact with each other. Only people like us even know of it, and the worlds are so ignorant, they would not believe us if we told them... I dare say that's the case here, correct?" 

"It might be worse if they did believe it," All Might said, "Can you imagine the backlash? The panic?" 

"Oh, yeah. I can imagine." West frowned.

Likstar put a hand on his arm. "Yes, his world is not silent, but this knowledge caused enough problems there as it was. As long as people are foolish and reckless, I prefer not to broadcast this information. If the world isn't silent, fine. But if it is, it's not our place to decide that's not for the best-- if you catch my drift." 

"Makes sense," Midnight acknowledged. It looked like most of the teachers believed them.

"This is pretty big," Aizawa said flatly, "Makes you sound important. That's suspicious." 

Aizawa, All Might winced, must you always be so blunt?  

"Fair enough." Likstar looked weary, like she'd heard this a dozen times before. "But we aren't claiming any special privileges here, only asking for some understanding. If we're telling you the truth, our ignorance is clearly not our fault. And being arrested would be very bad."  

"Why?" Nezu sipped some tea. "With your abilities, surely you could escape almost any prison with ease." 

Almost, All Might thought ominously. 

"Well, yeah, but, dude, think about it. Then we're criminals. Not much point in coming at all then, if we make problems, not solutions," West said.

"I see," Midnight murmured, "So you're in a no-win situation. Unless we leave you alone. But we can't do that, right?" 

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