Part 70: Bakugo shuts up

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While Shine was having her adventure with those two ladies, Wally was on a very different track.

He ran around as he usually did, wondering what GL, Bats, Supes, and the girls were up to. He supposed it had only been a few hours of his time, but for them that could still be eventful.

One nice thing about having a new phone was, he could search up popular restaurants, and when he was out of juice, that's exactly what he did.

He was warming up to Japanese food too. He'd eaten it at home, but it was hands down better in its native land. Takoyaki was becoming his new favorite on-the-go food. He found a nice stand while he was searching for a place to eat a full meal. Hmm...this city looked kind of familiar... He'd run through here before.

At least UA paid him a lot for what he did, he thought as he ordered a king-sized amount of food from the vendor who stared at him as if to say "where's the army?" Buying the amount of food he needed was a heck of a lot easier than it was on his salary at home, that was for sure. Though the Flash could often get complimentary food from his nicer fans.

While he was waiting for his order, some more customers approached. "Hey there. I need about 10 of your specials," a friendly voice said.

"Eh, you too?" the vendor griped, "Are you two cousins or something?"

"Huh?" Wally looked behind him and his jaw dropped. The fattest man he'd ever seen... He looked like an egg...

"What?" the guy said.

Wally realized who it was-- he'd seen him in the news. "Fat Gum! Oh,'re that guy Kirishima was working for."

"What? You know Kirishima? The Red Riot kid?" Fat Gum said, eyebrows up.

"Heck yeah. I work for the school," Wally said, "I supervise, see?" He held up his ID. He'd taken it only because he wasn't going to go anywhere important.

"Oh, nice. I didn't know they had one of those," Fat Gum said, "Kirishima's a good kid. You must be proud of him as his teacher."

"Oh, he's great," Wally agreed, "I 'member him talking about you though. He had lots of good things to say. Most of them about being manly..."

Fat Gum laughed. "Yeah, that sounds like him. Ey, have you met my student intern?"

He gestured behind him. Amajiki, or Suneater, was shrinking back behind him. "He goes to your school also," Fat Gum said.

"Ah, yeah, we're friends, aren't we? Hey there, Sun boy." Wally waved.

"Uh...hi..." Amajiki said nervously, "Uh, Mr.'s been a while, huh?"

"I saw you yesterday," Wally said.

"I mean...we didn't really talk though..." Amajiiki said.

"Oh, wow, you are friends," Fat Gum said lightly, "I've never heard him talk so much voluntarily. I think I like you already...West, was it? You American?"

"Yeah, American, Scottish. You know, here and there..." Wally said.

"Well, it's nice to meet you," Fat Gum said.

"Nice to meet you too, man," Wally said, "Weird that this is the first time, actually. You'd think we would have bumped into each other by now. I eat in this area a lot."

"Oh, me too... Hey, when we're done with our patrol you should join us for dinner. I'd like to hear how Red Riot is doing."

"Oh, sure, man," Wally said.

* * *

It was not that long later that they were finding a nice place. Fat Gum told Wally bluntly that he shouldn't trust Help! reviews. He needed to hear it from the locals. "I always ask people in the area what's a good place to get some victuals, and this is my favorite spot... Eh, Suneater, aren't you going to order anything?"

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