Part 89: Silk Screen

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The LOV had migrated somewhere else once the Pros were gone, taking zero chances.

But they were kind of worried about Dabi.

"You know, I think he wanted to go, though," Spinner said, "He's been so chummy with that woman."

"Indeed, well, he does owe her," Compress said, stretching out his arm, "But to work with Pros? I never thought I'd see that."

"It's not gonna be a regular thing," Shigaraki said, "It's just because of Kurogiri... We can't let that gang take him..."

"I'm concerned about that too, though," Compress said, "I didn't know him all that well, but he seemed pretty loyal."

"It doesn't make sense," Shigaraki mused to himself, "Master would know why..."

"Eh, it's too bad he didn't break out too," Spinner said, "and Stain... Selfish pricks probably didn't break them out out of spite."

No one answered that.

"Well, I'm sure Dabi will be fine," Compress said at length, "He's one of the more...uh...conscientious ones of us. He'll watch his back."

* * *

"Yaoyurozu?" Shoto yelled, after checking all the hallways and not seeing her.

"Give it up. She's gone." Dabi was not in a great mood. "Probably one of the goons... Well, I can't say I'll miss her, but that's not the best sign either."

"Shut up, you b-----d!" Shoto turned to snap at him. "You let this happen! Did you see her go?"

"Hey, all I saw was her move off to check the hall. That's it. I didn't see no one else." Dabi was mad. "And wasn't it your job to take care of your own classmate? Don't put it on me."

"You distracted me on purpose with all that bs about... I bet you wanted her to get caught!" Shoto accused him.

"Oh, wow, how clever of me. You figured it out." Dabi put his hands up sarcastically. "And just how does it help me, genius? If we get caught, I lose too... And shut up. If they didn't know we were here, they definitely do now, with all your yowling."

"Don't tell me to shut up." Shoto lowered his voice anyway. "If it's not your fault, then why didn't you stop her?"

"Why would I? Am I in charge here?" Dabi said tightly, "Now if you'd stop losing your cool you might have stopped to notice there's a really sus elevator in that wall there," jerking his head toward the last hallway, "and it looks operational. I'd bet 2,000 yen that she went in there, like a moron, and didn't come back out."

Shoto looked at the elevator warily. "Fine, I'll go in after her, then." He went up and pushed the button on it. "Stay or come, I don't care which."

Dabi followed because he didn't want to be alone in this creepy as frick compound, even if it meant sticking around his stupid ex-brother. Anyway, the ponytailed chick getting caught could be a problem if they tortured her for information.

The elevator door opened, and no one was in there.

Shoto pressed his communicator wire. "Is anyone there? We lost Yaoyurozu... We're going in an elevator."

"Wait just a minute." Dabi grabbed him by his collar and yanked him back. "This is just a little too convenient, isn't it? We're trying to get underground, an elevator just happens to be here? And someone already disappeared? It sounds like a trap to me."

"It's an elevator." Shoto pulled away haughtily. "And if she's not anywhere else, then she must have gone in."

"Are you really this stupid? That's just what they want us to think," Dabi said.

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