Part 51: Shine argues with the LOV

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Shine got away, but she didn't go right back to UA. She intended to catch up to Momo and Todoroki, but she wanted to be sure Hawks would not be around them, so she intended to wait awhile.

She was sneaking around back towards 5th street when someone grabbed her by the back of the neck and yanked her inside the back of a store that appeared to be closed for the day.

It was Dabi.

Shine pushed him off. "What was that?"

"See? I told you," Dabi addressed someone farther back. 

It was Shigaraki.

"I see," Shigaraki said.

"Why on earth are you here?" Shine was puzzled. "That's like asking to get caught."

"Please, no one is going to look for us in this cute, little shop," Dabi said. 

"It's an Ice Cream parlor." Spinner was leaning on the wall. 

"That was irrelevant information," Shigaraki snapped.

"Ooh, wow, maybe I'll just step outside and yell, 'hey, Hawks, their HQ is in this ice cream parlor!'" Shine said sarcastically, "'Cause we all know I don't have a reason to avoid Hawks... and thanks to your little stunt back there, he almost caught me."

"And explain why it's our problem," Dabi said.

"Yes, you should be apologizing to us for getting in our way," Shigaraki said.

"It was an accident," Shine said, "And why should I apologize for foiling an evil plot? I'm not for that stuff."

"I wish you'd make up your mind whose side you're on," Spinner spoke.

"Do I know you?" Shine asked.

Spinner recoiled. "I... uh... overhead the previous encounter."

"Right... Nice mask by the way," Shine said, "You look like Donatello... I think that's the purple one. Raphael's my favorite, though."

"Raph-- who? What is she on about?" Shigaraki asked.

"Teenage Mutant Ninja Tortoises," Dabi said. 

"Why do you know what that is?" Spinner demanded of him, then he frowned, "What? I am not a tortoise!"

"I didn't say you were. It just looks like you're cos-playing as one," Shine said.

"This is my natural skin, you vixen!" Spinner raged, "How dare you look down on me for it!"

"Dude, one of my boyfriend's closest friends is a green person. I really don't care anymore," Shine said, "I know a pink person for goodness sake. Why are you getting all touchy?"

"He does that." Dabi dismissed it. "How about we stay to the point. None of us are so sure we can risk this... alliance... truce... whatever is it, any longer. You almost got us caught."

"No, you almost got me caught," Shine said, "I wasn't looking for you. That Vampire Bat guy took my charge while we were walking down a street. There is no way you can slice this to be my fault."

"Well, either way you're a liability," Shigaraki said. "I've been considering just killing you. No one would miss you anyway, but then, if no one would come looking for you, it is kind of waste of resources."

Shine blinked at him. "All right, that's it. I'm out of here." She moved towards the door.

A knife stuck in it-- Spinner had thrown it. "Who says you can just go?"

"Are we really doing this?" Shine said.

"Does it never occur to you that all of us are killers?" Shigaraki said slyly, "Aren't you at all afraid? Or are you that stupid?"

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