Part 54: Camie and Bakugo share trauma at a karaoke bar

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"Todoroki, want to go the mall?" Midoriya asked.

"Yeah, your last day as a free man?" Kaminari said.

"Huh?" Todoroki looked up.

"Don't you start classes again tomorrow?" Kaminari asked.

"Oh, right..." Todoroki shuffled through some note books. "I... don't know.... Will Yaoyurozu be there?"

"Do you want her to be?" Kaminari asked.

"I'm concerned it will make her uncomfortable..." Todoroki said, "I can't figure out what I did, but I seem to have upset her."

"Isn't that just the way with girls?" Kaminari leaned on his desk. "I complimented Jiro earlier today and she zapped me. I mean, come on, what's with that?"

"I guess," Todoroki said. "Perhaps Mr. West would have an idea. He was useful before, but that villain incident seems to have undone all the use of his advice..."

"Does West give good advice about girls?" Kaminari asked.

"I guess... I mean, he does have a girlfriend," Todoroki said, "So he should know about girls, I suppose."

"Yeah, and they're pretty cute. You know, for an old couple," Kaminari said.

"They aren't old... They're only about 7 years older than us," Todoroki said.

"Whatever." Kaminari waved. "They're still old. They act old. Anyway, maybe you're onto something. We have to take one of them with us anyway. Usually Likstar tags along, but she's been kind of weird today, so how about we ask West instead?"

Before Todoroki could really confirm or deny he wanted to go, Kaminari was gone.

Not all of the class was going. Many of the moodier or shyer boys were staying home. But all the girls, Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, Ojiro, and Deku were going.

Jiro must have dragged Momo out of her room, but she looked downcast.

Todoroki didn't know the reason.

But the other girls knew. Early that morning, Momo had woken up with a scream from a nightmare about the Vamp attack. Jiro had heard her and rushed into her room.

Momo said she was fine, but she didn't seem so good still. Hopefully, shopping would cheer her up.

They went to a new mall this time, one Momo especially said she liked.... Everything there was really overpriced stuff. Uraraka almost had a heart attack from it.

 "I can't afford a pack of gum!" she said.

 That was an exaggeration. The gum wasn't that expensive.

"Let's do this thing!" Kaminari said, "Uh... Mr. West, it's okay if we split up, right?"

"Everyone has my number?" Wally held up his fancy, new phone.

"Yes," everyone said.

"Then you can absolutely split up. If you get in trouble, just put me on speed dial, and I will be there!" Wally said enthusiastically.

"No... other rules?" Tsuyu said, "Like maybe a deadline for us to be back at the bus?"

"Tsuyu, don't mess with a good thing," Kaminari and Mineta hissed.

"Stupid frog!" Mineta said.

"I guess we should have a deadline." Wally rubbed his chin. "How about... when it gets dark...?"

"That's, like, 8 hours away," Tsuyu said.

"Tsu!" half the boys cried.

"Too soon?" Wally said, "I mean, I could make it 10, but you know, the dorms have a curfew, so..."

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