Part 49: A heart to heart

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Todoroki  might have apologized, but he couldn't get what Shine said about him out of his head. Was it all true?

Momo was acting a little distant too. She was polite as ever but not talking to him beyond that. Todoroki tried telling her he'd apologized, but she just nodded and said, "That's good."

He didn't know what to do. Or why it was bothering him so much.

He thought he should do so0mething to make things right, maybe to show he had no hard feelings... and he could think of nothing to do, so he asked Mr. West... because he thought asking Shine would be weird, and he had literally no one else he would ask.

Wally knew all about it from Shine.

"I think you hurt Shine's feelings," he said, "She might not look it but she can be sensitive when she feels like it's important. She forgave you and all, but, even if you don't feel angry at someone, if you think they're thinking badly about you, it can make it awkward."

Todoroki lacked any of the social skills to figure this out on his own, so he stared at Wally wide-eyed. "Really?"

Wally choked back a laugh at the look on his face. "Uh, yeah... Maybe if you just did something nice to show you're over it, it'd help. Haven't you ever had to make up with anyone before?"

"No," Todoroki said.

"But... you have, what, three siblings?" Wally was dumbfounded.

"Two... and I've barely ever spoken to them," Todoroki said.

"That's... sad," Wally said, "I wish I had siblings... I have Shine's now, but it's not the same as having your own."

"I don't see what's so great about it-- they're just people who have the same parents as you," Todoroki said.

"I'm starting to see the problem here, kid." Wally shook his head. "Well, you're still less annoying than Bakugo..."

"He is annoying," Todoroki agreed, "I don't know why everyone else tolerates him so much."

"Tell me about it," Wally rubbed his head, "He's always yelling and insulting people, and Shine just thinks it's funny. I'll tell you, even if you date someone for a long time, there are things you never understand about them."

"I can't understand how she can laugh at it," Todoroki said.

"She thinks he's not so bad deep down," Wally said, "but I've never seen him do anything nice for anyone."

"Yes, he's selfish," Todoroki agreed, "but I suppose I am not that much better. I don't understand people."

"Who does? At least you're trying," Wally said encouragingly, "Why, I can't even go into how many of my friends won't even put in an effort."

"Why are you friends, then?" Todoroki said.

"Well... they save my life a lot, and they're great people, just... not very good at relationships," Wally said, "What can I say? It's a gift." He smiled smugly.

Todoroki didn't get the joke. "I don't seem to possess it... I think Yaoyurozu is angry at me also. I didn't mean to hurt Shine's feelings-- I just seem to say the wrong thing around her. I guess she makes me uncomfortable, and it feels like she's always finding fault with me... I probably deserve it, but she's not like that with the other two. And... I get Yaoyurozu, but she's not as hard on Bakugo either. And he's not even attempting to improve."

Wally rubbed his head. "Why do you care if Shine looks down on you or not?"

"I... guess I'm just not used to people thinking badly about me." Todoroki had no sense of humble bragging when he said that.

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