Part 28: The Students Compare Notes

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Momo thought a good deal about what had transpired the day before. She also considered Shine's behavior at the Todoroki house. Most people would not have noticed the small signs that something was up there, but Momo had an excellent eye for details. She was puzzled by Shine's actions. It sure seemed like she was looking for something...but she hadn't pushed for that much information. If Momo hadn't known better, she would have said the woman was just confirming a theory she already knew, instead of trying to learn about the family...but that was probably all it was, she told herself. There's no way it could be more than that.

Momo also noticed both Bakugo and Todoroki were acting strange. Todoroki was more silent than ever, and, even in class, he seemed distracted. Bakugo was less verbally aggressive and seemed to be sulking. In training, neither of them did much to stand out, except their usual degree of excellence. It just seemed there was no competition or drive in it. Even Kirishima and Deku noticed this, but they were puzzled by it and admitted it.

Momo didn't like to pry, but as it continued into the next day, she began to feel weird not saying anything, so she ventured to ask Todoroki while in class before Aizawa got there: "Are you okay?"

Todoroki just nodded.

Momo didn't know what else to say, so she stared out the window nervously.

"Why wouldn't he be?" Mineta asked.

Momo recoiled. "Uh, no reason."

"Sometime weird is going on with you two," Mineta said suspiciously, "You've been disappearing at the same times. Are you secretly dating or something?"

"Don't be ridiculous." Momo turned red. "Nothing like that has happened. I don't know what you're talking about."

"Mineta, leave her alone," Ochaco said, "No one wants to listen to your groundless theories. Last week you swore students were making out in the hall closet."

"No one proved I was wrong," Mineta said.

"That's because no one else was gross enough to look," Sero said, "Just zip it."

Mineta frowned but dropped it.

"Seriously though, you do seem out of it," Ochaco said to Momo with concern, "Are you feeling okay?"

"Oh, fine, just focused on learning, you know." Momo was focused on nothing of the sort... for perhaps the first time in her life, except when the school was under attack.

Todoroki finally seemed to take notice of what was going on but only to give Ochaco a strange look and then Momo herself. She shrugged uncomfortably.

Bakugo would rather have died than told anyone in 1-A he was obsessing over the things Shine had said to him. He'd declared to himself he wouldn't listen to anything that b----h said to him... but of course, that was about as successful as telling ourselves not to listen to criticism usually is.

He was thrown off more by his phone going off during study time in his room. He answered it confused.

"Yo?" It was Camie.

"What? How the frick did you get this number!" Bakugo cried.

"Bakugo?" Camie couldn't exactly mistake that yelling. "Wait...oh, lol, I pressed the wrong number. Sorry, my bad." She giggled. "I forgot I even had your number... Oh yeah, Todoroki gave it to me."

"What? I'll kill him!" Bakugo forgot to hang up in a huff in his annoyance.

"I mean, he probably just didn't realize. He's kind of clueless," Camie said off-handledly, "but hey, since you're on the phone already, what's going on? Honestly, without remedial, things are a little boring around here. I'm sure you have an entertaining story or two."

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