Part 22: Bakugo's pride/Todoroki makes a mistake

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After getting back from their "date night", Shine and Wally slept like logs. Wally took the first shift with Eri the next day, and Shine went to Aizawa.

"You know, something weird happened last night," she said, watching him carefully. He gave her an odd look. "Wally and I went exploring around the country a bit, and we ended up somewhere, and I realized, it was that Kamino Ward place from the TV broadcast."

"You went there?!" Aizawa said.

Shine shrugged. "I didn't realize till we got there. You know, it's not like I know my way around Japan... Anyway, we kind of were curious about it, so we lingered around. But then, you know, I thought it's probably not allowed to do that."

"Are you crazy? You could get in huge trouble for that!" Aizawa said.

"Sorry, it won't happen again," Shine said, "I just thought you should be aware of it." She smiled. "What went down there anyway?"

"I wasn't there. There's only so much I know." Aizawa said.

Shine rolled her eyes to herself.

"Okay, fine. I'm going to go."

Later that day, Nezu had a meeting with the main staff, to mention that the two DJs had been visiting a strange area.

 "Are we tracking them?" All Might said. 

"For their own safety," Nezu said. 😐😑🙄🧐🤨🤥👀⚠️

Aizawa straightened and said that Shine had already told him about that. "Apparently it was an accident," he said, "They didn't know it was Kamino Ward."

Shine had actually only said that she didn't know that, but Aizawa had taken it to mean both of them.

Once he'd explained it more, Nezu was satisfied. After all, Shine would never have told Aizawa about it if she was intending to sneak around, and it was plausible it was an accident. Kamino Ward had once been a popular part of the city, and the wreckage around it would attract anyone's curiosity. "You explained their mistake to them?"

"She assured me the will not make that mistake twice," Aizawa nodded.

"They have a penchant for trouble," Snipe said.

"So you told them that?" Wally asked Shine, when they traded shifts.

"Yes, and don't worry, he believed me," Shine said. 

"Shine, isn't that dishonest?" Wally said.

"Wally, I told him the truth. I just left the part about you out of it," Shine said so quietly the security wouldn't pick it up, "I didn't lie to him. We're not going back there--it's a waste of time."

"Ah... crafty," Wally was impressed, "That's pretty impressive actually. I never even thought of doing that."

"We have to stay above reproach," Shine said, "I'll see you later, okay?"

And much, much later that evening, after Aizawa took over with Eri, Shine went back to the or dorms and saw Bakugo waiting for her. She knew he wasn't just going to drop their little exchange of the day before. "Give me a chance to eat and take a breather first," she said walking by him, "Then you can come yell at me in the courtyard." 

Bakugo gave her an annoyed look, then, "Whatever."

Shine took at least 20 minutes, but finally she came out as prepared as possible and sat in one of the patio seats out there.

"So," Bakugo said, stretching out his limbs to steel his nerves. 

"What'd you mean before? About strength being my weakness?" His tone daring her to criticize so he could kick some butt.

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