Part 7: 👔PTA Meeting🏢

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"All day? You spent all day just having fun, no training?" Yaoyurozu was shocked.

"That's so inconceivable?" Shine replied, brushing her hair so it parted on the side, her preferred look.

"No, I suppose not," Yaoyurozu shrugged, "Only, we train at least a couple hours every day."

"Perhaps I was training." Shine pinned her waves back and put on chapstick.

"This parents' day thing has me shook," Jiro complained, "I get why and all, but it could get really awkward."

"I'm sure mine will want to see everything," Yaoyurozu mused.

"I know mine will love everything about it," Uraraka said. Shine smiled at her.


"Man, if I had known we were getting let off classes just to be put to work, I wouldn't have gotten so excited," Kaminari griped as he carried a box of dishes.

"Group projects are fun," Shine said. She was sorting napkins by color.

"You really don't have to help," Yaoyurozu said, smiling.

"What else was I going to do?" Shine waved it off.

Wally was speed setting chairs around tables and info cards at place mats. Jiro was setting up the sound booth. Uraraka, Tsu, and Sero were hanging balloons with their quirks. 

"I guess even party planning can be a training exercise." Yaoyurozu checked her clipboard.

"Yeah, well, heroes have to go to these events all the time, right?" Shine observed, smiling at Wally, "Only usually to cut the ribbon, huh, babe?"

Wally saluted.

"Right," Yaoyurozu nodded.

"Stupid d--- waste of time," Bakugo growled while hauling in another table with Midoriya and Iida's help--none of them seemed enthused at the partnership.

"I'm just nervous about my parents," Hagakure confessed, "I want them to see I'm doing well here, but I'm not sure how to make that happen."

"Well, not sure I can help with that," Shine said seriously, but Yaoyurozu saw her smiling to the side at Hagakure's word choice, "but I'm sure the board has plans to showcase everyone's progress."

"Probably," Kirishima agreed in passing.

"After the gas attack and all though." Hagakure fiddled with her fingers.

"The what now?" Shine paused.

"Oh, right...guess no one told you about camp," Hakagure said awkwardly.

"The attack? No, I did watch some news coverage of it," Shine recalled, "But not a lot of specifics. People really came down on UA after that, huh? It was disgusting."

They gave her a surprised glance.

"It was?" Yaoyurozu asked.

"Of course. Didn't you think so?" Shine forcefully opened another package. "I've seen it time and again in the U. S. Media comes down on the people doing their best to help in the middle of a crisis, just for the ratings. I hate that muck-raking attitude." She frowned in true disgust. "What? You disagree?"

"Oh no, I agree," Yaoyerozu hastened to say, "It's just your opinions about UA and hero work are a little hard follow."

"Yeah, you keep switching sides," Hagakure said unceremoniously.

"No, I don't." Shine collected the trash briskly. "My dislike of media is pretty deeply rooted. Notwithstanding, I doubt it'd change whether I liked UA or not. I just haven't decided what I think yet. I don't know enough."

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