Part 165: Compress and Silk let things slip

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When Fuyumi and Natsuo got back with Camie and Monama, the group was doing a bit better. Wally had got everyone takeout--both Mexican and Japanese style.

Hawks had been undisturbed all day, rather to his own surprise, and had had more time to actually think uninterrupted than he'd had in months.

Natsuo had avoided him, as he did all his problems, but not ventured to go out much. He didn't have class that day anyway.

They heard the story of what happened with interest.

"Fuyumi-nichan, I can't believe you hit someone with a chair," Natsuo said, as Momo had not hesitated to share that part.

"What an iconic queen!" Camie loved it.

Fuyumi was kind of embarrassed now at her own violence. "It was all I could think of."

"Hey, give 'em the chair," Wally said between bites, "You'd make a good wrestler."

"But you shouldn't be fighting," Natsuo went on, perturbed, "You're not a hero. Shoto, why did you let her?"

"Let her?" Shoto was barely listening. He kept looking at Momo. 

"You do know she's older than him, right?" Shine looked at Natsuo over her own food. "And you, for that matter. My gosh, if my younger siblings talked about me like that, I'd deck them."

Bakugo laughed sort of.

"He's right though. I really have no business fighting," Fuyumi said, "I just was worried about Yaoyurozu-san."

"I'd own that if I were you," Shine said, "Screw self-doubt. Camie's right."

Camie nodded. "Totes right...but, like, I'm still tripping... What do we do now? Did we nail the mission or was it an epic fail?"

"The part where our father split off sounds like a fail," Natsuo muttered, "or a win..."

"I'm surprised Endeavor did that," Hawks admitted, "but he is kind of an eyes on the prize guy. That's why I liked him. Only this time, I think he's rushing it. Not that he can't handle them, but if they didn't know before, they'll really know now what's up. Two attacks in one day was already bad enough, but three? You guys aren't very subtle."

"And subtlety worked so well for you?" Shine said dryly.

Hawks winced. 

"Ouch," Camie muttered.

"From what I understand, I don't really see why Hawks was so wrong," Shinso spoke up, "Why shouldn't he try to undermine them from the inside? The only problem is getting caught."

"Oh, that and almost getting a lot of Pro heroes killed," Wally said casually.

Shinso looked confused. "Oh...but it's not like he planned it that way."

Hawks very uncomfortably ran a feather through his hands.

"I tried to minimize it...but...well, at first it was Dabi pushing for it, then he stopped, but the Metas themselves wouldn't leave it alone. I don't know why Dabi stepped off. I'm guess it was because of you." Meaning Shine and Wally.

"How many people did you help Dabi kill?" Shoto asked more darkly now.

Fuyumi looked down. Natsuo looked angry.

"Dabi himself? He...well...actual heroes? I think he just killed that one," Hawks said.

[Again, in this canon he stopped after meeting my OCs.]

"Metas, I think he killed a few, maybe a lot," Hawks mused, "That wasn't me, though. And honestly, I wouldn't really call that a bad thing."

"What?" Natsuo said, like it was a big shock.

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