Part 48: Deku's much-needed advice

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Todoroki was troubled. The fight hadn't amounted to much-- Shine wasn't even that mad-- but Momo was upset, and that upset him. What if Bakugo was right? Had the class been hostile to her still? He never noticed that kind of thing much.

In reality, Momo was just stressed out. She had a lot of extra work on her plate, and she knew the class was still wary of her. She cried for an hour after the fight more from being overwhelmed than any other reason.

Todoroki apologized to Shine after a while because he wanted to smooth things over, and he thought Momo might be better then. Shine didn't press the issue and said she might have been too sensitive about it. Then she said, "Let's not talk about the world stuff anymore for a while. I think it's too much too soon for you all. You know enough anyway."

"Is there anything you haven't told us that could be dangerous?" Shoto said.

"Not about that." Shine was cryptic.

Privately, Shine wondered about the events that had taken place since their arrival. She got the feeling the LOV would have been doing more things if they hadn't shown up. She was sure more things were happening away from the school that none of them could know about. How much was different now? Again she felt frustrated by how little she seemed to be doing.

But things took a turn on the following evening. The class was at the dorms, and Shine had done a head count; she was in the habit of doing this whenever they were all supposed to be around. She didn't see Deku anywhere. Uraraka told her he was probably training in the woods. How Uraraka knew that, Shine didn't ask.

Shine was getting really tired of how much these kids over-trained and decided to go out and fetch him herself.

She spent several minutes checking the woods near the dorm and wondering how the robots had not found him yet. Some of them came up to her and said things about humans sneaking around. Shine hated those things and gave one a swift kick. "Go  away," she said, eyes flashing. The robot skittered away indignantly.

The robots clearly only patrolled the grounds of the school with cement, probably because they couldn't roll over the dirt as easily. So she went off the walkway and farther into the trees. 

She was surprised to run into All Might hiding behind some trees. He nearly jumped out of his skin. Shine saw Deku in a clearing trying to practice his quirks... and not having much success, from the look of it. But he kept getting back up.

"How did you find us, Miss Likstar?" All Might asked.

"Where else could you be training after hours when the gym is closed?" Shine replied, "But it's late, Deku is supposed to be in the dorms."

"Deku? Oh, right. You call him by his hero name."

"It's easier for me to say, and it suits him." Shine didn't know that it meant useless in one translation, or she might not have said that unironically. All Might luckily assumed she meant the more positive use of the word. 

"Why are you watching him?" Shine asked.

All Might looked guilty. "Well... I can't really help him much with his training, but I want to make sure he's all right."

"But he's exhausted," Shine said, "He can't keep pushing himself like this, you know."

"It's not every night, Miss Likstar. He's trying to master his new... skill," All Might said.

Shine was certain he was going to say something else. She peered at Deku... Hmm. "He's developing more than one quirk."

"What?!" All Might balked. "Why would you say that?"

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