Part 24: Shine meets Endeavor...again

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Shine stared at Endeavor in silence that lasted only for a split second.

"Who are you?" he demanded, "Where're the UA staff?"

"I am staff, sir." Shine held up her ID--luckily, he couldn't see it that well. "Midnight asked me to man the desk while she...ran an errand."

Or several, she added mentally, annoyed.

"Oh? Then you can tell me. Where can I find my son?" Endeavor demanded, not very politely. 

Shine shrugged. "Probably in class. I forget which one they have right now, but you're welcome to roam the halls, just don't scare the kids."

"Are you an intern?" Endeavor demanded.

"No," Shine said.

"Well, check the schedule and tell me exactly where I can find my son," he said, impatiently. 

Shine frowned. "Sir, Endeavor, right? I don't happen to have access to that schedule. I can call someone, if you ask me nicely to, or you can try your luck wandering around, like I said. But I'm actually supposed to be getting lunch right now because I have a kid to watch, so... Maybe you should wait for Midnight to return."

"Is that how you address the number one hero?" Endeavor said a bit tightly.

"I talk to everyone this way," Shine shrugged, "I'm not a receptionist." The phone rang. She answered it. "What?"

"Miss Likstar?" All Might said. 

"Yes, All Might," Shine said, "Midnight isn't here, if that's what you wanted to ask."

"No, no, I just wanted to ask what the training schedule for this afternoon was," All Might said sheepishly, "I lost mine."

"Oh, that's easy, All Might. 1-A always goes first, because the school likes them more," Shine said, looking right at Endeavor, "Then 1-B. I imagine some long, overly complicated test that is nothing like a real rescue mission will follow, with plenty of twists and turns that would never actually happen, and ending with a refusal to acknowledge the amazingness of all the students involved, so that they think they're doing terribly and need to catch up to some vague standard, that the Pros can't even define or meet."


"I just meant what time I should be at the facility and what facility," All Might said.

"Be there after the last non-hero class is over and you see students running to their homeroom," Shine said, "and tell Deku, when you see him, that if he breaks any bones in training, I am personally going to lock him in his room for the rest of the day, after Recovery Girl is done with him."

"Uh...yes..." All Might took that completely seriously.

"And if Bakugo give you any lip, tell him to screw off," Shine added, "and... well, I'll let you figure out the rest. Tell Todoroki his father is looking for him, if you see him."

"What? Endeavor's there?" All Might said.

"Yes, he's right in front of me actually. Want to say hi?" Shine asked.

"Uh... I don't think that'll be necessary..." All Might said. 

Endeavor glowered at Shine.

"Okay then...Did you want me to say hi for you?" Shine covered the speaker and asked Endeavor. 

"No," he said shortly.

"Well, I'll see you later, All Might," Shine said, "and I think they're training at Ground Beta today, because it was the USJ last week, and the gym is everyday. I imagine that Aizawa will alternate like he usually does."

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