Part 143: Moto shows her true colors

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Shigaraki was not pleased that the Egghead knew all he knew now. It was a break from the plan.

Shine had warned them not to tell anyone else about Kurogiri, but that wouldn't have applied to someone who already knew. Still, he wasn't sure he liked how the doctor answered.

Of course, he was right-- he of all people would understand...

The whole meeting had been uncomfortable, to say the least.

Perhaps it was the new members getting appraised-- and the dumb pro.

Shigaraki didn't entirely like how that had gone. The Egghead sort of just looked at them like they all belonged to himself, but Shigaraki was the one who did all the work of recruiting the people. It wasn't like the doctor had anything to do with it. Why was he honing in on it?

Master would have agreed with him too-- the Egghead was just too big for his britches.

Of course...what was his plan going to be if just telling him to back off hadn't worked? It had been a really bad situation.

And Kurogiri really was a nomu... Did that mean all the other things were true too? But that didn't matter... It didn't matter....

"Sir?" Compress startled him out of his musings. "Are you all right?"

"What?" Shigaraki looked at him blankly.

"Oh...well, everyone else seemed a little shaken up by what happened today. I just thought maybe you weren't feeling so great either."

"I'm never more or less all right than any other time, Compress."

"Of course." Compress bowed.

"Well, I thought you were kind of cool," Spinner offered, "I mean, telling the doctor to back off like that. Where does he think he gets off messing with our plan?"

"He always did have a thing for powerful quirks," Shigaraki dismissed it.

"Yeah, well, still..." Spinner huffed.

"You don't even like the plan," Compress said.

"I don't, but it's our plan, and he shouldn't mess with it," Spinner said.

"It's not wise to piss him off," Shigaraki said blandly.

They both froze.

"Right, well, no one was trying." Compress backed off.

"Yeah, sure. We're just saying..." Spinner walked away too.

"You think I can talk about this in therapy?" Medea was asking Silk in the background.

"Ehmm, maybe if you no specify who it was..."

"Ugh, that's not the same..."

Shigaraki was lost in thought again when he was interrupted a second time by Mirko. The others had moved away by now. They were packing. No one wanted to stay here after that.

"Hey, uh...I don't normally say this but...thanks..." Mirko sounded embarrassed.

"Huh?" Shigaraki seriously didn't know what she was talking about.

"For before..."

"What before?"

"Don't make me say it!" Mirko covered her ears. Then sighed. "You know...the lab..."

Oh, that. He'd already forgotten about it.

"Don't thank me. That was just because I don't like that egghead interfering with our plans..." Shigaraki sniffed, "It's not because I was concerned."

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