Part 46: What happened after Shiketsu

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"You all right now, Utsushimi?" Momo asked nicely after Camie had gotten treated.

"Oh, yeah, I'm totes fine." Camie gave an a-ok sign. "It goes away pretty quick. I could make a dank meme right now."

Momo took that to mean she was okay. She wasn't sure what a meme was.

"You were really good out there," Kirishima told Camie, "I mean, I don't know what I expected, but, it was cool."

"That's super nice of you," Camie said, "Dang, you and Bakugo are like total opposites."

Bakugo scowled.

"So, how did you and Bakugo become friends?" Kirishima asked casually.

He knew Bakugo wasn't going to tell him, so he was using this chance to get the details.

"Gee, I don't really know," Camie said, "Are we friends?" She looked at Bakugo slyly.

Bakugo said nothing.

Camie shrugged. "I guess it was kind of an accident. How did you become friends, yo?"

"Oh... I guess... persistence..." Kirishima said.

"I can't imagine anyone wanting to be friends with such a person," Shishikura muttered.

"Is he always like that all the time?" Kirishima hissed at Camie.

"Yeah, he's so turned up it's not even funny," Camie said.

The other students were varying between actually chatting with each other and eating and resting.

Shine and Wally and Eri were sitting there too. Eri kept looking at the other students. The Shiketsu students thought she was so cute.

Wally couldn't resist ribbing Aizawa about losing to his own students-- again.

Of course, Aizawa didn't like it, but there was literally nothing he could do to Wally to stop him, since his cold demeanor didn't scare him at all.

"If you were just going to disagree with me in front of them, why did you offer to give feedback?" Aizawa said.

Shine looked a little apologetic. "I'm sorry if I disrespected you, Aizawa, truly. It's not my intention. I just... can't help but look at their faces getting so disappointed, and I feel like I have to say something nice."

"It seems to me, Likstar, that you don't care whom you disrespect so long as you carry your point," Aizawa pointed out, "and whether it is our background or just your personality, someone should really make it clear to you, that is not how it is here. In fact, it is really considered offensive that I even need to say it. You should simply feel it."

"Realistically, Aizawa, if I am not Japanese, nor from your world, then that's two culture clashes right there," Shine said, "Perhaps simply feeling it is a reasonable expectation for your students and friends, but how is it for us? Respect is different in our country and world. Disagreeing with our leader in public is not considered disrespectful where we come from. Though it can be dishonorable if you promised not to do so."

"Not that everyone is the same," Wally said, between shoveling in food to refill on calories after that training, "That's just a given, Mr. A."

"Even if that were true, you've been here long enough to know," Aizawa said.

Shine shrugged. "I'll stop doing it, if you stop the students from trash talking each other in front of you. Until you insist that they respect their peers, you have no right to ask that we respect you. I don't see you as an authority but an equal. I have no reason to look up to you, Aizawa. The title Pro Hero means nothing to me. I respect character. But I'd like to be considerate, and if it truly bothers you so much, I'll comply-- if you apply that same standard to the students. You see? Otherwise, if you think it's not important to insist on it for them, then I don't think it's important that we try to accommodate you."

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