Part 144: Todoroki sees Momo in a new light

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[Just picture Camie instead of Kady in the above song, and it fits like a glove.]

Camie was avoiding Moto after what happened, but, she thought, maybe she should let some of her classmates know what Moto did to her... It did leave a mark, after all.

Some of the girls asked her.

Camie looked around. Moto wasn't in the room yet.

"Lowkey," she said, "it was Kali. She went ballistic on me."

"What? Really?" the girls said skeptically, "Come on, Camie. Kali? This isn't funny."

"No, for real, she's a psycho," Camie said.

"Kali is?" one of the other girls said, raising an eyebrow.

"Moto is pretty chill," said the first, "Camie, if you're going to set up one of your illusions, you can't start with something that unbelievable."

"Chill?" Camie said, "Like, Moto-san is chill? Are we even talking about the same chick, or are y'all tripping?"

"I think you're tripping, Camie," said the second girl, annoyed, "That wasn't a funny joke. We just asked, but if you're not gonna tell us... Oh, I bet it was in training."

"No, I legit got assaulted!" Camie said.

But her tone being her usual lingo-filled, cavalier one, they thought she was kidding and being sarcastic.

Camie couldn't adjust her delivery on the words-- she wasn't really aware she was doing it, though she thought it might be her speech patterns, as most people didn't really follow along with her too well.

Hmpf. Bakugo would have still taken it seriously, she thought.

But remembering Moto's weird threat, she didn't think she should contact him.

Then a hand moved over her desk. She frowned.

Moto was leaning on it. "Talking s--- about me?" she said, smiling like it was a joke.

"She's just bs-ing us about stuff," the other girl said, nodding at Moto, "Doesn't want to own up to goofing off in training again. You know Camie."

"Yeah, Camie spaces out a lot," Moto said, "but you know, with that quirk, it's not too surprising she can't tell what's real and what's fake anymore."

The other girls snorted a laugh...mostly because Camie's quirk scared all of them, but Moto was the only one with the nerve to say anything about it.

Camie leaned away from Moto. "Like, sis, I don't have any problem knowing what's real, yo."

"Yeah, whatever, Camie. Serious talk time, you've got to stop starting these jokes right before class," Moto said, examining her nails, "It's just disruptive. Let us focus on getting our s--- ready."

"I wasn't--" began Camie.

"Actually, she's right. I need to finish getting my notes out," the first girl said apologetically, "Sorry, Camie. You can finish telling us about training later."

"Yeah, whatever." The second girl turned away.

Moto went back to her desk.

Camie felt all over again how much she was outmatched here.

But it didn't stop there. Moto cornered her on her way out of the locker room, where she'd waited, hoping the scary girl would have left with the others.

"Nice try, Utsushimi." Moto smiled unpleasantly, shoving Camie up against a locker. "But do I need to remind you I said not to mess with me?"

"Girl," Camie strained, "you can't just think you'll get away with straight up attacking me at school. Like, someone will see you eventually. You don't have an illusion quirk."

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