Part 88: Todoroki's brother

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The teams were split up. Aizawa was going to keep an eye on Jiro and Kaminari. Miss Joke was going to stay with Hawks because they were too visible with their appearances, so they were going to keep watch from outside until there was a need of them.

Mirko refused to be kept outside, so Shine said she could join her (as no one else would be able to keep her in check at all, probably) and Bakugo.

Momo, Todoroki, and Dabi were left. 

Dabi thought he should stay with Shine, really, but Shine objected to trying to keep both Mirko and him under control (though she didn't say that was the reason) and said they could manage to work together for a bit.

"But," Shoto didn't like the arrangement either, "our powers are too similar. It'd be more useful to split up more diversely, wouldn't it?"

"That doesn't matter so much," Shine said, "Anyway, neither of you can use your power that much indoors, so you're just there for backup. Momo can balance you out... Come on, Shoto. We just need to be fast. And if a fire did start, you could put it out the fastest, couldn't you?"

That was true...

"Well, I guess it beats Hawks," Dabi said, "but I'm not thrilled about it. Can't we switch or something?"

"There is no telling who we'll end up with by the end of today," Shine said, "so stop complaining. It's not top priority to team up based on who you like."

At the moment, she wouldn't have teamed up with half of them if that was the case. They were getting on her nerves.

"Let's just get on with it." Mirko was impatient. "Standing around gives me the heebie jeebies."

"I wish we could go in though," Hawks muttered, "I mean, I know if I stay out here and track you all with my feathers, I can rescue anyone and move you around a lot faster...but it feels wrong."

"You don't need to always be the hero, though," Shine said, "Let's go now. Rumi is right. Enough wasted time."

They spread out slowly to surround the compound area... They kept a look out for more people. It seemed weird no guards were out to stop them... Then they reasoned the whole point of the gang was to avoid detection right now. They wouldn't expect anyone to have found them yet, so they would stay out of sight.

* * *

Shine, Mirko, and Bakugo snuck in the south side of the set of buildings. Shine was unusually quiet. She was focusing...using her sensing powers as much as she could. Not that they told her where to go, but they told her other things.

Mirko's ears quivered as she strained to pick up on any threats... The place gave her the creeps too.

Shine touched a wall and then shuddered.

"What?" Mirko didn't hear anything.

Shine pursed her lips. "It's no wonder I can't see much around here. The darkness is so thick about this place...I don't sense any light at all."

"Are we talking about literal darkness?" Mirko eyed the faded light-bulbs.

"No...and yes..." Shine said, "What is literal? To me figurative and literal are often the same thing... Sorry if I sound cryptic. I don't know how else to put it. Well, there is One who isn't blinded by darkness... I know He has Eri in His sight..."

"I'm not clear really on what, but I gather you're religious in some way," Mirko noted, "No offense, but that stuff is a huge waste of time."

"Since my whole life is built around 'that stuff' I suppose I can only not take offense because you said not to," Shine replied faintly.

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