Part 69: Mirko hops onto the scene

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Shine and Miss Joke went to a cafe to hang for a bit, and Shine ended up pouring out her troubles...minus several details. But she told her she was worried about the LOV attacking again.

Miss Joke was all sympathy. "But surely the only thing you can do is let the Pros handle it."

"'Cause they've been doing so well thus far!" Shine waved flippantly. "Nothing personal, Emi, but that's not the most comforting thought."

"I understand that UA has been a little disappointing, but, you have to remember, they are still professionals. They do know some things," Emi said.

"It's no use. Encountering the LOV convinced me the staff can't stop them if they really want to get us," Shine said, "I don't know if we can last another week, Emi... If it wasn't for my faith, I'd be panicking...but even with that, I feel helpless. Sheesh...sorry for dumping this on you."

"Actually, it's nice to be taken seriously for a change," Emi said, "and I think something will look up... You can count on me to help you if you need me to. I owe you from before."

"That was nothing," Shine said.

"It wasn't nothing to me. Besides, I like you. You've got something different," Emi said, " know, why don't you...ahem, go home? Couldn't you escape, then?"

"I don't know if we even can go home till the mission is complete, but is leaving the kids here to fend for themselves the right thing to do? No way," Shine said, "I doubt the league would leave them alone if we disappeared. Might as well try to help."

"It's true-- if they didn't before, there's no reason they'd stop if you left..." Emi allowed, "But you know...maybe there's still a way. Have you gone to the staff yet?"

"No, that's a last resort...and it's dangerous to do that..." Shine couldn't tell her, but if the LOV was even considering holding off on all this, finking on them would be sure to put an end to that idea. She didn't want to back them into a corner. But if she had no choice...?

"You have to try... You only have till the end of tomorrow. You should give them time to plan," Emi pushed.

Shine frowned. "I know. Please, don't pressure me."


"Sorry." Emi took a bite thoughtfully. "I didn't mean to. You think maybe if they hung out at a different school? We maybe could work out a big exchange, throw the LOV off maybe... You're sure there's a mole at the school?"

"Positive. I may even know who it is, but I can't accuse anyone. I'll get sacked, and then the staff won't help us either," Shine said, "I can't prove it, so we're screwed if I try that."

"That is awful... I don't envy you at all," Emi said.

Shine sighed. "Let's talk about something else for a bit."

"You think you can?" Emi said.

"No," Shine admitted, "but I feel like I'll go crazy if I don't."

"Perhaps you could tell me how your tutoring is going," Emi suggested.

So they talked about that for a while and then headed outside to find a park because Shine was tired of looking at buildings and indoor things all the time--and UA's woods were full of robots.

While they were strolling around in there, they heard some commotion.

"Hmm, sounds like an attack," Miss Joke said, "Mind if I check it out? I hardly get any action these days since I'm teaching so much."

"Go ahead," Shine said. She wouldn't mind a few minutes alone.

But when Emi didn't come back after at least 10, she decided to follow her. 

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