Part 128: Medea and Monama save Shine

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Not too bad but if you're really sensitive ,may want to skip to the last scene.] 

Lethe should have taken Likstar down first thing, but he wasted time looking for Medea, hoping she'd only hidden, not actually run away.

By the time he gave up on that, he knew Kurogiri would have been waiting for him to come, and he raced back to the right section.

Likstar was there all right, trying to get a hold of her team, but her calls didn't seem to go through.

She had her sword out and kept trying to trace a door with it. "Come on! Come on! Break!" she muttered.

Her eyes flared gold.

Lethe held up the dart gun. He hesitated... But no, he had to do this... Medea defecting wouldn't matter later. He could fix it. He could keep them both safe if he just did this. They had to survive...

But he didn't expect someone to come running out of the street behind him and knock into him.

Then jump back.

He didn't recognize the guy at all...but he a had a ridiculous costume on. So he must be a hero.

Likstar turned around, hearing the noise.

"Monoma?" she cried.

"Miss Likstar, run away from this guy!" Monoma yelled at her, "He's trying to drug you."

"What?" Shine zeroed in on Lethe. "You!" She looked livid.

"I've got him. Just go!" Monoma said, "That girl told me to warn you. You remember?"

"Her?" Shine blinked. "Oh...okay, but do not get close to him."

"I won't." Monoma turned into purple flame.

"Medea..." Lethe gasped, "What have you done?!"

Shine ran the other way. "I'll get you once I can, Monoma, just run for it once you can," She yelled behind her.

Monoma managed to snatch the gun out of Lethe's grasp. Lethe was just too shocked to stop him.

"I can't believe she's...actually...lost her mind... How could this happen?"

"You know, I may not know your relationship with your sister, or you, all that well," Monoma said, "but I'm pretty sure if you mess with someone's head, that's kind of abusive. Maybe you should really think about going to therapy."

"Shut up!" Lethe backed away from him. "I don't know how you are using her quirk, but I'm sure you have a limit, don't you? You seem familiar... You're from UA, right? Not 1-A, so you must be the B class."

Monoma glared at him through the fire.

"Ah, I remember you now," Lethe smirked, "Neito Monoma...Copy Cat quirk. You have a very short limit, don't you?"

Monoma hissed. "It won't matter if you can't touch me in that time, will it? I can finish you off, I promise you."

Lethe shook his head. "I'm not much of a fighter, my sister is-- but I am not stupid."

A person dressed as a ninja landed next to him, holding up a device. They aimed it at Monoma and shot him with something... A dart? 

Suddenly his quirk turned off...

"What a useless, s--- hero," the ninja said, "Not even a weapon to fight back with. Quirks are such a disease on the mind as well as the body."

Monoma backed up as the ninja came closer to him, pulling out a knife. "I think he's better off just killed off, don't you? He's useless."

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