Part 122: The twins infiltrate UA

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Shigaraki got more hung up over that argument than he thought he would. The Pro really pissed him off.

It was no good. And Kurogiri was still gone... If he did work with the Originals...wouldn't that mean they could find the LOV easily, even if they didn't make a stir? It still didn't make any sense.

The other members were getting stir crazy too, since no one dared to go out and do any real jobs with the ninja still at large.

The news that Dabi was not coming back did not go over well.

"I can't believe he'd just desert us, and without so much as one word of explanation!" Spinner was livid. "We should kill him!"

"I don't know why he'd do such a thing, after all we've done for him," Compress agreed, "We took care of each other, and now he just turns his back on us... What is our policy on defectors? Death?"

"We've never had a policy. No one has ever defected," Shigaraki said.

"People don't defect from other groups because death is the punishment. Shouldn't we implement it?" Spinner urged.

 "That doesn't sit well with our policy of letting anyone join freely," Shigaraki said, "We've never hazed people. What's the point? He's gone. It's too late to worry about it."

"I think if we just let him go, we're creating a lax standard," Compress said, "Anyone can go, then. No consequences."

"Well, killing them sounds like something all those other groups would do. Aren't we supposed to be a different sort of change?" Shigaraki said.

"I would have sworn you would have said to just kill him..." Compress was puzzled. "Why are you being so lenient? Consider the implications. He could betray all of us to the law just to get amnesty. They love stuff like this. The dramatic effect makes people like the heroes more. Good triumphs and all that."

Shigaraki was silent. Compress might have a point...

"What is use?" Silk spoke up, "Talking about murdering Dabi, when you do not know where he is? Let it go. If we move out now to find him, we just expose ourselves."

"It could be she has a point, though," Compress admitted way too quickly, "We'll have to bide our time for revenge... I'm sure we'll get a chance sooner or later."

Shigaraki was glad to drop the subject. All this was making him uncomfortable. He scratched at his neck nervously.

But after all that, he was sitting and thinking alone, when that new kid, Lethe, came around. 

"You really just want to let Dabi go?" the kid said.

"It's moot until we have more freedom," Shigaraki said, "Go away. I don't need advice from kids."

Lethe gave an unpleasant smile. "I just was wondering if perhaps you already knew who is hiding him. I have a suspicion."

"What? Are you daring to accuse me of something...?" Shigaraki's mind suddenly went blank. Lethe had his hand up....

* * *

Who was he talking to? Shigaraki rubbed his head. Someone had been in here...

"Shigaraki?" Spinner looked in. "Are you all right...? It's been a while... Don't we need to discuss what to do next?"

"Yeah... Were you in here before?"


"I just thought someone was in here..."

"I saw Lethe come out of here a while ago. I guess he was bugging you for another mission, wasn't he?"

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