Part 184: Macallister

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The rest of the group saw what happened to Mirko and Shigaraki, but they seemed to get away, so they didn't risk exposing themselves by acting.

The ninja didn't seem to notice them. They were all busy looking for the two who'd warped away.

"So they don't have quirk blockers in this dome, either," Shine mused.

"Why would they? No one in here has a quirk," Ren said, "That sh--'s expensive, you know."

"What?" Iida glanced at him oddly.

"I've looked into it," Ren shrugged, "but it's way too pricey for a regular person to be able to carry, or you'd probably see all these quirkless people running around with quirk blocking weapons. It's be like personalized pepper spray."

"Well, okay," Shine said oddly, "Say, can they find a way to detect who has a quirk?"

Ren thought.

"Quirks are so different, there's not a one-size-fits-all way to tell, unless maybe your quirk is being able to tell who has a quirk. That's not a very useful power, but I could see a police officer having it, maybe. If they had someone like that, it'd make sense, but if that was true, we'd all be dead already."

Shine nodded. "I see... If they have any elite fighters here who still have quirks, we could be in trouble, but against regular people? Wally would have no problem, but I might. I'm not fast like him. We have to try to get inside. I'm not sure if he will move, since we can't talk now." She tapped the comlink in annoyance.

"We can't just hide," Iida said, "Shiogazi-san could be in reach."

Shine tapped her forehead, trying to think.

"You know..." she said slowly, "the best way to find her might be to get captured. They'd have to take us to the same holding area or a similar one...right?"

Iida and Ren looked at her strangely.

"Of course they could knock us out or hurt us, so that's a very risky plan," Shine said, "It would depend on how well they can anticipate us also... Kayla is still in here somewhere though. If we could get her to capture us..."

"She didn't want to be involved anymore," Ren said.

"They know we're here. She's going to be involved," Shine said, "and if Shigaraki snaps and destroys half of this place, we're in more trouble. He's not very stable when he's upset."

"Why did you let him come?" Ren asked.

"I didn't," Shine said, "He just came."

"It's worth a shot," Ren said, "We have to make sure someone is left to rescue us though."

"The other team will do that. One of the three of us is a better prisoner--they hardly know anything about you two," Shine said, "By the time they find out, we could be out of here."

"I might be able to get these comlinks working again, with a little adjusting," Ren said, "but we couldn't risk talking into them. We'd just have to try to eavesdrop. I can adjust to eavesdrop on anyone I want though."

He smiled wryly. "I've been checking in on Rumi this whole time without her knowing it."

"That's creepy, Ren," Shine said bluntly.

"I know it's a little creepy," Ren said, "but have you ever tried to work with my neesan? she's not the easiest person to keep track of, or communicate with."

"Tell me about it," Shine said, "but still... Well, anyways, I guess we can use that. But which one of us...? I've been thrown into cells a lot, so I know what to look for."

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